Home Tally Prime How to Create/Define Salary details for Employee in Tally Prime?

How to Create/Define Salary details for Employee in Tally Prime?

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How to Create/Define Salary details for Employee in Tally Prime?

Step: – GOT > Alter > Define Salary > Select your “Employee”

Ø Like I select “Shiwam Roy”

Ø After reaching by follow above step, screen of Define Salary details will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø In this Salary details screen fill date and Pay Heads in Sequence for you employee to Provides. Like,

· Effective from – Type date from which this salary details apply for your employee in your company.


Note: Sequence must be in this way – Earning Pay heads > Employee Deduction Pay

Pay Head – Select all Pay heads in sequence which you provide to your employee.

heads > Employee Statutory deduction Pay Heads > Employer Statutory Contribution Pay

Heads > Any Other Pay heads.

· Rate – Only ‘On Attendance, ‘Flat Rate’ and ‘On Production’ calculation Pay heads type will ask you for Rate or amounts of Monthly basic salary, conveyance, overtime rate per hours etc.

· Per – It is auto select section not change here only press enter and go forwarded for Pay heads

· Pay Head type – Auto select don’t change it.

· Computed On – Auto select don’t change it.

Note: If you want to change rate for all Pay heads type in salary details setup screen then press F12 and Enable the option “Allow to Override Slab Percentage”. Otherwise it is not necessary to enable.

Ø Fill all required Pay heads type in Sequence for your every employee Such as I set for

employee “Shiwam Roy” like that following Table:

Shiwam Roy (01/01/2021)

Pay Heads


Basic Salary


Dearness Allowance



House Rent Allowance



Variable Pay


Gratuity Expense

Canteen Expense

Advance Salary Expense

Income Tax

Professional Tax

Employee’s PF Deduction @12%

Employee’s NPS @ 10%

Employee’s ESI Contribution 0.75%

Employer’s EPF contribution @3.67%

Employer’s NPS Contribution @10%

Employer’s EPS Contribution @8.33%

Employer’s ESI Contribution @3.25%

Fill all Pay heads and its rate just like given in above table in Tally prime salary details setup screen. Like that following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A for save this screen.

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