Home Tally Prime How to see Professional Tax Monthly Statement in Tally Prime?

How to see Professional Tax Monthly Statement in Tally Prime?

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How to see Professional Tax Monthly Statement in Tally Prime?

How to see Professional Tax Monthly Statement in Tally Prime?

Step: – GOT
> Display More Report > Payroll Statutory Report > Professional Tax
> Monthly Statement > Professional Tax

Or, GOT > Display More Reports > Payroll Reports > Statutory
Reports > Professional Tax > Monthly Statement > Professional Tax

After reaching by follow above step then Change Period by
pressing F12 button after that Professional Tax Monthly Statement reports
shown like that following screenshot:

 Professional Tax Computation ReportThe Professional Tax Computation Report
provides the summary of Amount deducted as Professional Tax from the Earnings of the Employees exceeding the
prescribed threshold limits, in accordance with the Slab rates applicable for the
particular state.

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