Home Tally Prime How to create Attendance or Production voucher in Tally Prime?

How to create Attendance or Production voucher in Tally Prime?

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How to create Attendance or Production voucher in Tally Prime?

v Attendance Voucher Manual Entry

Step: – GOT > Voucher > F10 > Attendance

After reaching by follow above step, screen of Manual Attendance voucher will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø For create attendance voucher for employee as manual, first Press F2 and type last date of months in which months you create attendance of your employee.

· Date (F2) – Type “31/01/2021”

· Employee Name – Select your employee to create attendance like I select “Shiwam Roy”

· Attendance/Production Type – Select a Attendance/Production type from list to create attendance like I first create Positive Attendance that is “Present” then “Absent” then “Overtime”.

· Value – Type number of Days & hours of present, absent and overtime of employee.

Fill details as manual in Attendance voucher like that following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A for save this screen.

Ø Practice exercise to create manual attendance for all employee, for You

Employee Name




Mohan Pandey



12 Hrs

Anil Sharma



15 Hrs

Kamal Raj



18 Hrs

v Attendance Voucher Autofill entry

Note: Attendance Autofill mode is useful when our employee is in large numbers.

Step: – GOT > Voucher > F10 > Attendance > Ctrl+F

Ø After reaching by follow above step, screen of Attendance Autofill Box will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø For use to Attendance Autofill voucher fill all option in Autofill box like,

· Type of Transaction – Select “Attendance Autofill”

· Voucher Date – Type last date of month in which you create attendance voucher. Like I

select “31/01/2021”

· Employee Category – If you have a Employee Category then select it. Like I select “Patna Head office”

· Employee/Group – Here you can create attendance of one employee or whole

Employee groups in once time. Like I select employee group “Sales Department”.

· Attendance/Production Type – Select any Attendance/Production Types from list what

you create. Like I select “Present”.

· Default Value to Fill – Fill any value of your Attendance as default. Like I fill “26”.

· Sort by – Select any one from two methods to arrange employees in series in Attendance voucher screen.

Ø After filling all above details in Attendance Autofill box screen will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø Press enter to return in attendance voucher screen and change the Attendance value like this screenshot:

Ø If you want to change default attendance value then you can change.

Note: You can also record Negative Attendance “Absent” and Overtime by follow same above step for Present attendance.

Ø Press Ctrl+A to save this voucher screen.

Part 2: Payroll Voucher

Payroll Voucher – Payroll Voucher used for make dues of Salary, PF, NPS, ESI of Employee before Payment of Salary.

Process 1: Create Payable (Dues) Pay Heads

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