
Unit 8 – Accounting Reports 209

Unit 8 – Accounting Reports 209

parties. On selecting the Outstanding Analysis option, a list of reports is displayed. Various options in the list are:

Amount Receivable

Bills Receivable

Ageing (Receivable)

Amount Payable

Bills Payable

Ageing (Payable)

On Account Entries

Bills Summary

Bill-Wise Statement

Bill Reference Details

Amount Receivable

Amount Receivable report displays the debit balance of party accounts that fall under the Sundry Debtor / Creditor Account Group as on a specified date. In general course of business, the accounts of the parties may not stand fully settled at all times. Some balance in the account generally exists. A debit balance in a party account signifies the amount, which is receivable from the party. Amount Receivable report displays a list of all the parties having debit balance. On selecting the Amount Receivable option, an Amount Receivable message box appears. The options in the message box are:

All Accounts – Select this option to view report for all the parties having a debit balance.

Group of Accounts – Select this option to view report for a particular Account Groups. All the parties that have a debit balance and that fall under the selected Account Group will appear in the report.

On selecting any of the above options, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Specify the Group Name – Select the Account Group for which you want to view the report.

Report Date – Enter date for which you want to view the report.

Account to be Shown by – Select from the list whether Account Name, Alias or Print Name is to be displayed in the report.

Show Mobile No. of Parties – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view mobile number of the parties in the report.

Apply Filter on Amount – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to apply filter on the report on the basis of amount due from the parties. Basically, with this option, you can view report for the parties having debit balance more than, less than or equal to the amount as specified by you. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a button appears next to this data field. On clicking the button,


a Filter Options window appears. Specify the required filtration criteria in the Filter Options window.

Enter required data in the data fields of the Report Options window and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, an Amount Receivable report appears. Given here is a screenshot of Amount Receivable report.

Figure 8.11 Amount Receivable

Bills Receivable

Bills Receivable report appears only if you have enabled the Bill-by-Bill Details feature in Administration à Configuration à Features / Options à Accounts tab. The report displays the bills receivable details of an Account / Account Group / All Accounts. On clicking the Bills Receivable option, a Bills Receivable message box appears. In the message box, there are three options. The options are:

One Account – Select this option to view report for single party.

Group of Accounts – Select this option to view report for a group of parties.

All Accounts – Select this option to view report for all the parties.

On selecting any of the above option, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Select Account / Group – Select Party / Group of Parties for which you want to view the report.

Type of Entries to be Considered – Select from the list, the type of entries to be displayed in the report. A bill is said to be pending from the day the bill is raised to the day it is adjusted / paid

/ received. If you want to view all the Bills Receivable details then select the All Including (Cleared) option. If you want to view, details for those bills that are due i.e. the due date has passed and are yet to be adjusted / received then select the Due option. If you want to view the pending bills, i.e. bills whose due date has not been passed then select the Pending option.

Select Reference Group – This data field appears if you have enabled the option of Enable Grouping of Reference under Administration à Configuration à Features / Options à Accounts tab à Bill Reference Group window. Select the required Reference group. If you want to view the report for all reference groups then select either All (Sorted) or All (Unsorted) option. The difference between All (Sorted) and All (Unsorted) option is that on selecting the All (Sorted) option, the report will appear Bill Reference Group-Wise i.e. first a Reference Group

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