
Unit 8 – Accounting Reports 211

Unit 8 – Accounting Reports 211

will appear then all the references falling under the group will appear then another Reference group will appear and all the reference falling under the group will appear and so on. If you select the All (Unsorted) option then no sorting will be done on Bill Reference group and all the references will appear according to the due date.

Starting Date – Enter the starting date from which the bills receivable details are to be displayed in the report.

Ending Date – Enter the ending date up to which the bills receivable details are to be displayed in the report.

Bills Status As On – Specify the date on which the status of the bills is to be considered. For example, you are viewing Bills Receivable report for date range 1-4-2010 to 30-6-2010 and you want the know the status of the bills on 1-7-2010 then you can specify the Bill Status As On as 1-7-2010.

Accounts to be shown as – Select from the list whether Account Name, Alias or Print Name is to be displayed in the report.

Consider Bills Older Than (Days) – Specify the days, bills older than which will be displayed in the report. In other words, specify the number of days the bill should have been due for displaying in the report. If you have selected the Pending option in the Type of Entries to be Considered data field then voucher date will be taken into account otherwise if you have selected Due option then due date of the bill reference will be taken into account for generating the report.

Show On Acc. Amount & Ledger Bal. – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field, if you want that the On Account amount and Ledger Balance for the account should be displayed in the report. On Account are those entries of the account for which no bill reference has been created.

Show Last Receipt Details – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view details of last receipt from the party.

Show Bills Adjustment Details – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view details of bill adjustment in the report. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, three columns Adjusted By, Date, Adjusted Amount appear in the report. These columns display details of any adjustment made for the bill reference.

Apply Filter on Amount – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to filter report on the basis of amount. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a button appears next to it. Click the button to specify the filtration criteria.

Show Mobile No. of Parties – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view mobile number of the party in the report.

Enter required data in the data fields of Report Options window and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, a Bills Receivable report appears. Given here is a screenshot of Bills Receivable report.


Figure 8.12 Bills Receivable

Ageing (Receivable)

This option appears only if you have enabled the Bill-by-bill Details checkbox in Administration à Configuration à Features / Options à Accounts tab. Ageing (Receivables) report classifies Bills Receivable according to their age into various time slabs. In other words, this report gives you an analysis of the number of days since a bill has been receivable. You can define the time slabs as per your requirement in Administration à Configuration à Ageing Analysis Time Slabs à Accounts option. Based on the time slabs and the due date / date of voucher the age of the bill is calculated.

On selecting the Ageing (Receivables) option, an Ageing Analysis message box appears. Select the required option from the message box. On selecting an option from the message box, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Select Account / Group – Select the required Party / Group of Parties for which you want to view the report.

Ageing Basis – Due Date / Bill Date (D / B) – Specify either D / B in the data field depending on whether you want that the age of Bill Receivable should be calculated based on Due Date or Bill Date. Let us understand with the help of an example. You enter information for a Bill Receivable in a Sales voucher in which the bill / voucher date is 01-04-2010 and the due date is 15-04-2010. Now you want to view the report of age-wise Bill Receivable. In such a case Bill Date is 01-04-2010 and Due Date is 15-04-2010.

Starting Date – Enter starting date from which the transactions are to be picked.

Ending Date – Enter ending date up to which the transactions are to be picked.

Bills Status as on – Specify the date on which the status of the bill is to be considered.

Show On Acc. Amount & Ledger Bal. – This data field appears if you have selected the One Account option in the Ageing Analysis message box. Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want that the On Account amount and Ledger Balance for the Account should be displayed in the report. On Account are those entries for which no Bill reference has been created but Bill-by-bill Details feature in enabled in the relevant account.

Accounts to be Shown by – Select from the list that whether you want Account Name, Alias or Print Name to be displayed in the report.

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