
Unit 8 – Accounting Reports 207

Unit 8 – Accounting Reports 207

Account-wise – Select this option if you want to view the account-wise opening, closing, debit and credit balances. On selecting this option, a Consolidated Summary message box appears with following options:

o All Accounts – Select this option to view report for a single account.

o Group of Accounts – Select this option to view report for a single Group of Accounts. o Selected Accounts – Select this option to view report for selected accounts.

Account Group-wise – Select this option if you want to view the Group-wise opening, closing, debit and credit balances. On selecting this option, a Consolidated Summary message box appears with following options:

o All Account Groups – Select this option to view report for all the Account Groups. o Group of Groups – Select this option to view report for particular Account Group.

On selecting any of the above option, a Report Options window appears. Enter required data in the data fields of Report Options window and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, a Consolidated Summary report appears. The report displays the consolidated opening, debit, credit and closing balance of Accounts / Account Groups for the specified date range.

Transaction Summary

Transaction Summary report displays opening balance, bifurcation of the debit, credit amounts into various accounting, and dual voucher types and the closing balance of Accounts / Account Group for a specified date range. In other words, Transaction Summary report is an extension of the Consolidated Summary report. This report contains separate debit and credit columns for the following voucher types: Sales, Purchase, Payment, Receipt, Journal, Debit Note, Credit Note, Sales Return, Purchase Return and Contra.

Profit & Loss A/c

Profit & Loss A/c report displays the net profit / loss incurred by the organisation for a specified month range. On selecting the Profit & Loss A/c option, a Profit & Loss A/c message box appears. In the message box, there are two options. The options are:

Month – Select this option to view report for specified months.

Date – Select this option to view report for specified date range.

On selecting any of the above option, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Start Month – Specify the starting month from which the report is to be generated.

End Month – Specify the ending month up to which the report is to be generated.

Start Date – Specify the starting date from which the report is to be generated.

End Date – Specify the ending date up to which the report is to be generated.


Show Second Level Group Details – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view bifurcation of group’s debit / credit amount into various accounts. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, debit / credit amount of the accounts will also be displayed along with group amount.

Enter required data in the data fields of Report Options window and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, a Profit & Loss A/c report appears. Given here is a screenshot of Profit & Loss A/c report.

Figure 8.10 Profit & Loss A/c

Profit & Loss Summary

Profit & Loss Summary report displays month-wise summary for the net profit / loss incurred by the organisation. In this report the components of the Profit & Loss A/c such as Gross Profit, Net Profit and so on are displayed in separate columns.

Min / Max Cash Balances

Min. / Max. Cash Balances report displays the minimum and maximum cash balance with the organisation during the specified date range.

Account Ledger Comparison

With Account Ledger Comparison report, you can compare ledger of two different accounts. The report displays the month-wise opening, closing, and debit / credit amount of both the selected accounts.

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