Home Busy Accounting Software Remote Supporting Software for Busy-21

Remote Supporting Software for Busy-21

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What is Remote Support Software

Remote Supporting Software Busy-21

Company > Remote Support Software

Using Remote Support Software option, you can download any of the two software (TeamViewer or Any Desk) which are primarily used for providing online support. After downloading any of these software, you can allow third person to take your system on remote and can actually see the problem you are facing. This inturn helps in prompt support or resolving of problem as other person is directly looking into the problem you are facing without having any misunderstanding regarding the same.

On clicking the Remote Support Software option, a ‘Remote Support Software’ message box appears. Given here is the screenshot of Remote Support Software message box.

Remote Support Software message box

  • On clicking TeamViewer 9, a Download TeamViewer 9 window appears. Press OK button to download TeamViewer 9. TeamViewer 9 will be saved in BUSY folder, thus can be invoked automatically next time without downloading.
  • On clicking Other Software, you are redirected to a webpage (Internet connection is a must) where you have to select either of the two options i.e. Team Viewer or Ammy Admin. After selecting the appropriate option, you can proceed with the download process.
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