Home Tally Prime How to Create Delivered Note entry in Tally Prime?

How to Create Delivered Note entry in Tally Prime?

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How to Create Delivered Note Voucher entry in Tally Prime?

Step: GOT > Display More Reports > Inventory Books > Delivered Note Register > Select Month & Show/Edit Entry

Ø For Delete Entry Press ‘Alt+D’ on Selected Entry

17. Stock Journal Voucher (Alt+F7): – Stock Journal voucher used for transfer of stock from Godown to anther Godown. It is also use for Manufacturing Process.

v The stock Journal adjustment may be due to the following reasons:

· Inter-Godown Transfer: This is useful to transfer the goods from one location to another. The quantity of stock remains the same, but the location changes.

· Additional Cost/Expenses involved in the Transfer of goods: You can also account the additional cost incurred in connection of transfer of materials from one location to another.

· Accounting for Wastage of stock or shortage of stock: There may be a shortage or wastage of stock items, the quantity may have got changes. In such cases, you have to enter a stock journal to account for the increase or decrease in the Stock Item.

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