Home Tally Prime How to Create Scenario in Tally Prime

How to Create Scenario in Tally Prime

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How to Create Scenario in Tally Prime

Step: – GOT > Create > Click on “Show More” > Scenario

Ø After Reaching the Above Step Screen will be Shown Like this following Screenshot

Ø Fill All Details Like

· Name: – Type Name of Scenario, I taking “Provision”

· Include Actual: – Yes

· Include: Select Reversing Journal

· Exclude: End of List


Ø Press ‘Ctrl+A’ for Save

· View desired report after considering reversing journal entry in Profit & Loss A/c

Just Like in the Following Screenshot

Now let’s see the report after considering the expense entered through reversing

journal voucher.

Step: – GOT > Profit & Loss A/c > Press ‘Alt+C’

Ø Fill all details in New Column Screen Like

From (Blank of beginning) –Fill the beginning date of profit & loss account. Like


To (blank of End) – here you should select, the Applicable Up to date in the Reversing

journal you entered. Like ’31/01/2021′

Method of Stock Valuation – Select ‘Default’

Type of Value to Show – Select your Scenario Name created by you for Reversing, like


Show variance – No

After Filling All details in Above option Screen will Show like this following Screenshot

Ø Press Enter for show Profit & Loss A/c as you Desired

2. Rejection in Voucher (Ctrl+F6): – This Voucher is used to record goods received back from customer after rejection due to any type of reason.

Ex: 1. 5 Sony TV item rejected & return by Customer Sohan in Our Stock Sale return – Loss– Dr Sohan A/c – Giver – Cr

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