Home Busy Accounting Software 10.1 Sales Tax Forms Reports

10.1 Sales Tax Forms Reports

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10.1 Sales Tax Forms Reports

Sales Tax Forms Reports display reports related to Forms Receivable / Issuable and Forms Received / Issued register. These reports appear if you have selected the country as India at the time of company creation. On clicking the ST Form Reports option, various options are displayed. The options are:

Forms Receivable

Forms Issuable

Forms Received Register

Forms Issued Register

Forms Receivable

Forms Receivable report displays details of all the forms receivable from customers or parties. On clicking the Forms Receivable option, a list of options is displayed. The options in the list are:

One Party – One Form – Select this option to view report of a particular form receivable from a particular party.


One Party – All Form – Select this option to view report of all the forms receivable from a particular party.

All Party – One Form – Select this option to view report of a particular form receivable from any party.

All Party – All Form – Select this option to view report of all the forms receivable from any party.

On selecting any of the above option, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Select Party – Select the party for which you want to view the report.

Select Form – Select the form for which you want to view the report.

Starting Date – Enter the starting date from which the vouchers are to be picked for generating the report.

Ending Date – Enter the ending date up to which the vouchers are to be picked for generating the report.

Form Amount Should Be – Select the option according to which form amount should be displayed in the report. Four options under this data field are:

o Taxable Amt. – Select this option to view the Taxable amount in the report i.e. Item Basic Amount plus / minus the Bill Sundries charged before the Tax Bill Sundries.

o As Feeded – Select this option to view the amount as entered by you in the ST Form Detail window in the relevant voucher.

o Item Basic Amount – Select this option to view the Items Basic amount i.e. without adding / subtracting any Bill Sundry charged in the voucher.

o Bill Amt. – Select this option to view the Bill amount i.e. the total amount of a voucher that includes Item Basic Amount plus / minus all the Bill Sundries used in the voucher.

Club Quarterly – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view the report clubbed for each quarter. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, report will be displayed quarter wise.

Enter the required data in the data fields of Report Options window and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, a Forms Receivable report appears. Given here is a screenshot of Form Receivable report.

Figure 10.1 Form Receivable

Unit 10 – Sales Tax & VAT Reports 239

Forms Issuable

Forms Issuable report displays details of the forms issuable to the parties. All the message box and Report Options of Forms Issuable report are similar to the Forms Issuable report. Hence, for detailed help on Forms Issuable report, please refer to the Forms Receivable report.

Forms Received Register

Forms Received Register contains details of all the Forms Received transactions. It contains details such as serial number, name of party, address of party, serial number of forms, date of receipt and so on. On clicking the Forms Received Register option, a Select Option message box appears. The options in the message box are:

One Party – Select this option to view report for all the forms received from a particular party.

All Party – Select this option to view report for all the forms received from any party.

On selecting any of the above option, a Select Options message box appears. In the message box, there are two options. The options are:

Voucher Date – Select this option to view report for all those received forms whose Voucher date is within the specified date range.

Form Received Date – Select this option to view report for all those received forms whose Form Received date is within the specified date range.

On selecting any of the above option, a Select Bill Amount Option message box appears asking you to show bill amount as specified in the Form Received voucher. If you click the Yes button then the amount as specified in the Form Received voucher will be displayed in the report. Otherwise, if you click the No button then the actual bill amount i.e. Sale / Purchase voucher amount will be displayed in the report.

On clicking the Yes / No button, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Select Party – Select the party for which you want to view the report.

Select Form – Select form for which you want to view the report.

Starting Date – Enter the starting date from which the vouchers are to be picked.

Ending Date – Enter the ending date up to which the vouchers are to be picked.

Show GR / RR No. – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view GR / RR No. details in the report.

Form Receivable Amount Should Be – Select the option according to which form amount should be displayed. Four options under this data field are:

o Taxable Amt. – Select this option to view the Taxable amount in the report i.e. Item Basic Amount plus / minus the Bill Sundries charged before the Tax Bill Sundries.


o As Feeded – Select this option to view the amount as entered by you in the ST Form Detail window in the relevant voucher.

o Item Basic Amount – Select this option to view the Items Basic amount i.e. without adding / subtracting any Bill Sundry charged in the voucher.

o Bill Amt. – Select this option to view the Bill amount i.e. the total amount of a voucher that includes Item Basic Amount plus / minus all the Bill Sundries used in the voucher.

Enter required data in the data fields of Report Options window and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, a Form Received Register appears. Given here is a screenshot of Form Received Register.

Figure 10.2 Form Received Register

Form Issued Register

Form Issued Register displays details of form issued to the parties. All the message box and Report Options of Form Issued Register are similar to Form Received Register. Hence, for detailed help on Form Issued Register, please refer to Form Received Register.

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