
9.1 Stock Status

9.1 Stock Status

Stock Status reports display the stock status of items in terms of quantity and value. To determine the quantity of the stock, transactions recorded using the Dual and Inventory vouchers are taken into account and to determine the value of stock, the Stock Val. Method specified in Administration à Configuration à Features / Options à Inventory tab or Self-Val. Price specified in the Item master is taken into account.

On selecting the Stock Status option, a list of reports is displayed. Various reports in the list are:

Closing Stock – Grouped

Closing Stock – Alphabetical

Closing Stock – Hierarchical

Opening Stock – Grouped

Opening Stock – Alphabetical

Opening Stock – Hierarchical

Let us discuss these reports in detail.


Closing Stock – Grouped

Closing Stock – Grouped report displays the closing balances of All Items / Group of Items at the end of a specified month. On clicking the Closing Stock – Grouped option, a Stock Status message box appears with following two options:

All Items – Select this option to view closing stock of all the items.

Group of Items – Select this option to view closing stock of all the items falling under a particular Item Group.

On selecting any of the above option, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Specify the Group Name – Select the Item Group for which you want to view the report.

At the End of – Select the month at the end of which you want to view the closing stock of the Item / Item Group.

Show Value of Items – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view value of the items in the report. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, an Amount column appears in the report that displays the value of the closing stock of item.

Items to be Shown by – Select from the list whether Item Name, Alias or Print Name is to be displayed in the report.

Show Zero Balance Items / Groups – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view Item / Group of Items that have a zero stock.

Enter required data in all the data fields of Report Options window and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, a Group Stock Status report appears displaying closing stock of the Items / Group of Items. Given here is a screenshot of Group Stock Status window.

Figure 9.1 Group Stock Status

Closing Stock – Alphabetical

Closing Stock – Alphabetical report displays closing stock of the Item / Item Group with all the items sorted in an alphabetical order as on specified date. On clicking the Closing Stock – Alphabetical option, two options appear. The options are:

Balances Only – Balances Only report displays the closing stock of the item only.

Detailed – Detailed report displays the opening stock of the item, quantity in, quantity out and closing stock of the item.

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Let us discuss both these options one by one.

Balances Only

On clicking the Balances Only option, a Stock Status message box appears. This message box appears if you have created more than one Material Centre master. In the message box, there are three options. The options are:

One MC – Select this option to view closing stock of the item at a single Material Centre.

Group of MC – Select this option to view closing stock of the item at a single Material Centre Group. The stock of item at all the Material Centres falling under the selected Group will be taken into account for generating the report.

All MC – Select this option to view closing stock of item at all the Material Centres.

On selecting any of the above option, a Stock Status message box appears. In the message box, following options appear:

One Item – Select this option to view closing stock of a single item.

Group of Items – Select this option to view closing stock of a single Item Group. All the items falling under the selected Item Group will be displayed in the report.

All Items – Select this option to view closing stock of all the items.

On selecting any of the above option, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Specify Item / Item Group – Select the Item / Item Group whose closing stock you want to view.

Specify MC / MC Group – Select the Material Centre / Material Centre Group for which the closing stock is to be displayed.

Report Date – Enter the date on which you want to view the closing stock of the item.

Show Total Stock / Book Stock Only (T / B) – Specify ‘T’ in this data field if you want to view total stock of the item otherwise specify ‘B’ in this data field if you want to view book stock of the item. Difference between total stock and book stock is that while calculating book stock, the stock lying at Material Centres in which Reflect stock in Balance Sheet option is set to No will not be taken into account whereas while calculating total stock of the item, stock lying at such Material Centres will also be taken into account.

Show Zero Stock Item – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view items having zero stock.

Show Parent Group – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view Parent Group of the items in the report.

Item to be Shown by – Select from the list whether Item Name, Alias or Print Name is to be displayed in the report.


Show Value of Items – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view value of the closing stock in the report.

Enter required data in the data fields of Report Options window and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, Stock Status report appears displaying closing stock of the Item / Item Group.


On clicking the Detailed option, a Stock Status message box appears. In the message box, there are three options. The options are:

All Items – Select this option to view closing stock of all the items.

Group of Items – Select this option to view closing stock of a single Item Group.

One Item – Select this option to view closing stock of a single item.

On selecting any of the above option, a Stock Status message box appears. In the message box, there are two options. The options are:

One MC – Select this option to view closing stock of item at a single Material Centre.

All MC – Select this option to view closing stock of item at all the Material Centres.

On selecting any of the above option, a Stock Status message box appears with following three options:

All Items – Select this option to view closing stock of all the items.

Group of Item – Select this option to view closing stock of a single Item Group.

One Item – Select this option to view closing stock of a single item.

On selecting any of the option, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Material Centre Name – Select the Material Centre for which the closing stock is to be displayed in the report.

Select Item / Item Group – Select the Item / Item Group for which the closing stock is to be displayed.

Starting Date – Enter the starting date from which the item details are to be considered for generating the report.

Ending Date – Enter the ending date up to which the item details are to be considered for generating the report.

Item to be Shown by – Select from the list whether Item Name, Alias or Print Name is to be displayed in the report.

Masters to be Picked – In the list there are three options. The options are:

o All – Select this option if you want to pick all the masters for the report.

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o Moved – Select this option if you want to pick only those masters for the report that are used in any transaction.

o Moved / Closing Bal – Select this option if you want to pick those masters for the report that are either used in any transaction or have some closing balance.

Show Sales / Purchase separately – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view separate columns displaying sale and purchase of item.

Show Value of Items – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view value of closing stock in the report. Show Parent Group – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view Parent Group of the item in the report.

Consider Stock Transfer Entries – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to include stock transfer entries also while calculating the closing stock.

After entering the required data in the data fields of Report Options window, click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, a Stock Status window appears displaying, opening stock, quantity in, quantity out and closing stock of item.

Closing Stock – Hierarchical

Closing Stock Hierarchical report displays closing stock of the item with all the items arranged as per their hierarchy. First, all the Primary groups are sorted in alphabetical order and then all the sub groups and items falling under Primary group will appear. On clicking this option, two options appear. The options are:

Balances Only – Balances Only report displays only the closing stock of the item.

Detailed – Detailed report displays the opening stock, quantity in, quantity out and closing stock of the item.

For Detailed help on the above two options, please refer to the Closing Stock – Alphabetical option above.

Till now, we have discussed all the Closing Stock reports. After this, all the Opening Stock reports appear in the list. Opening Stock reports display the opening stock of the items. All the Opening Stock reports are similar to their respective Closing Stock reports. Hence, for detailed explanation on Opening Stock – Grouped, Opening Stock – Alphabetical and Opening Stock – Hierarchical reports, please refer to the corresponding Closing Stock reports.

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