
What is Positive and the Negative aspects of Voluntary Registration

What is Positive and the Negative aspects of Voluntary Registration


*In spite of composition levy, many small organizations are planning to voluntarily register themselves under GST. This is because composition levy has certain drawbacks. Voluntary registration will mitigate such drawbacks and give the following advantages:

*Provide input tax credit to customers: Since your business is legally recognized, you can issue taxable invoices. Buyers, in turn, can take input credit on their purchases. This will help expand the customer base and make it more competitive.

*Take input credit: Voluntarily registered persons can take input credit on their own purchases and input services like legal fees, consultation fees etc. This will eventually increase their business margin and profitability.

*Make inter-state sales without many restrictions: Businesses registered under GST can make inter-state sales without many restrictions. Thus, it widens the potential market for SMEs. These SMEs can also opt for selling their goods online through the e-commerce platform.

*Be compliant and have good rating: Registration for GST will ensure that the business is compliant and scalable without any barrier of future registration. Also under GST, compliance rating will be maintained and if this is done correctly, it can attract additional business.

Positive and Negative Aspects of Voluntary Registration


*We discussed the benefit of getting registered under the Goods and Services Tax, however, there is a flip-side to it. Businesses registering voluntarily under GST may have to face extra compliance and working capital liquidity. Some of these consequences are:

*Multiple return filing: Businesses registered under Goods and Services Taxes are required to file three returns every month. These returns are GSTR-1, GSTR-2, GSTR-3 and include the details of all purchases, sales, and final tax liability after setting off Input Tax Credit. Failure to file these returns will not only deny the input credit to our buyer but also attract penalty. Further Compliance rating will get affected negatively.

*Payment of tax liability: Once registered under GST, the supplier will have the additional responsibility of collecting and depositing taxes with the authorities. This will not only inflate the cost for the buyer but also leverage similar sellers who are not registered under GST.

*Registration in every state of business activity: Further under the new law, obtain registration in each state of business activity. Return needs to be filed in the jurisdiction of the state where goods are supplied for consumption. In other words, if a small dealer is supplying in five states, he needs to register in all five states to fully take benefit of input tax credit. This can increase the cost of compliance to business.

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