Home Busy Accounting Software Unit 8 – Accounting Reports 199

Unit 8 – Accounting Reports 199

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Unit 8 – Accounting Reports 199

Figure 8.4 Day Book


Ledger report displays all the transactions for an account within a specified date range. On clicking the

Ledger option, following two options appear:

Account-Wise – Select this option if you want to view the report account-wise i.e. separate ledger for each account. On selecting this option, first, all the transactions of an account will appear then all the transactions of second account will appear and so on.

Merged Account – Select this option if you want to view combined report for all the accounts. On selecting this option, transactions will be displayed sequentially irrespective of the account used in them.

Let us discuss these options one by one.


On selecting the Account-Wise option, a Select Format message box appears. In the message box, there are two options. The options are:


Standard – Select this option if you want to view report in the standard format i.e. it will simply display all the transactions irrespective of their debit / credit effect on the account.

T Format – Select this option if you want to view report in T format i.e. all the debit transactions of the account on the one side and all the credit transactions of the account on another side.

On selecting the Standard option, an Account Ledger message box appears with four options. Select the required option.

On selecting any option from the Account Ledger message box or selecting the T Format option, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Select Account / Account Group – Select the required Account / Account Group for which you want to view the report.

Starting Date – Enter the starting date from which the transactions are to be displayed in the report.

Ending Date – Enter the ending date up to which the transactions are to be displayed in the report.

Account to Be Shown By – Select from the list whether you want Account Name, Alias or Print Name to be displayed in the report.

Show Full Voucher Details – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view complete voucher details in the report.

Show Long Narration – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view long narration as entered in the voucher.

Show Short Narration – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field to view short narration as entered in the voucher.

Balances to be Shown As – Select from the list that total balance is to be shown after transactions of each day or each month or for all the transactions.

Enter the required data in the data fields and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, an Account Ledger window appears. Given here is a screenshot of Account Ledger in the Standard format.

Figure 8.5 Account Ledger – Standard Format

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