Training / Help Videos
Company > Training / Help Videos
BUSY has created Training and Help videos to help users for smooth working in BUSY. Training videos are meant for users who are new to BUSY and do not know how to get started with it. These videos will help you in learning BUSY in a structured manner and after viewing these videos you will be able to use BUSY without any problem. Help videos are feature specific videos intended to help User to make most use of the features provided and to get in-depth knowledge about using the features. Videos are made with simple to understand methodology and are made in English and Hindi language. Videos are available on our You Tube channel. To view the videos click Watch Now button and BUSY will redirect you to the YouTube channel where you can view the videos as per your requirement.
- A ‘Getting Started with BUSY – For India and Outside India’ video is also available. This video is designed for the users who are new to BUSY but have adequate knowledge of computerised accounting. So, this video will give a quick overview on how to start working with BUSY.
- GST Help Contents are hosted on which have collection of GST help videos and documents. GST related videos and documents are designed specifically to help you understand different concepts of GST and its implementation in BUSY.
To view Help videos on You Tube you are required to have internet connection on your computer.