Home Tally Prime How to Use Price level & Price list in Sales Invoice in Tally Prime?

How to Use Price level & Price list in Sales Invoice in Tally Prime?

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How to Use Price level & Price list in Sales Invoice in Tally Prime? Step: GOT > Voucher > F8 > Ctrl+H > Item Invoice

Ø After follow above step fill all details like,

· Date – Type sales invoice issue date (which is equal or greater than Applicable from in Price list), I type ’01/04/2020′.

· Party A/c Name – Select any Debtor, I take ” Ritesh Mishra”

· Price Level – Select your created Price level in above example, I select “Wholesaler”

· Sales Ledger – Select ‘Sales A/c’

· Name of Item – Select Stock-Item which is used in Price list in above example. I

select “Sony TV”.

· Locations – Select you Godown name, I select “Sasaram Location”

· Quantity – Type Number of Quantity of Stock-Item for selling, I type “20”

· Rate – Auto fill according Quantity

· Disc % – Auto fill according Quantity

· Amount – Auto fill according Quantity

Ø Fill all Details in above Example like following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A to save

Ø Practice Exercise for using Price Level & Price List in Tally Prime, for You

Step: GOT > Voucher > F8 > Ctrl+H > Item Invoice

· Date – 02/04/2020

· Party A/c Name – Rajesh Mishra

· Price Level – Retailer

· Sales Ledger – Sales A/c

· Name of Item – Sony TV

· Locations – Sasaram Godown

· Quantity – 15

· Rate – Auto fill according Quantity

· Disc % – Auto fill according Quantity

· Amount – Auto fill according Quantity

Point of Sale (POS) in Tally Prime Class-7

Point of Sale (POS): – Point of sale is the terminal where a sale transaction is completed, you might have noticed point of sale terminals in shopping malls, electronic show room the cashier calculate the total amount due by the customer, prepare invoice and accept payment via various payment methods like, cheque, Debit card, Credit card, Gift Vouchers.

Ex: Mr. Suraj purchased T-shirt in Rs 500. He pays bill due via Rs 200 by debit card, Rs 100 by credit card, Rs 100 by Gift voucher and remains balance Rs 100 by cash.

v Process 1: Creation of Point of Sale (POS)

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