Home Tally Prime How to Show/Display Cost Centers Reports in Tally Prime?

How to Show/Display Cost Centers Reports in Tally Prime?

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How to Show/Display Cost Centers Reports in Tally Prime?

Step: GOT > Display More Reports > Statements of Accounts > Cost Centers > Category Summary > Enter

Reports Show Like this Following Screenshot:

Multi-Currencies in Tally Prime Class-2

Multi-Currency: – Multi Currency is used due to Globalization of Businesses Transaction. Business are trading internationally & May require to use more than one currency for trading. As an Indian businessman your transactions are in INR locally. Suppose you own an Indian business, and have a

trade agreement with the United Kingdom business, then your trading currency on your trade agreement may be in pound currency.

Ex: U.S. Dollar (USD), European Euro (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), British Pound (GBP), Swiss Franc (CHF), Canadian Dollar (CAD) etc.

Ø Advantages of Multi Currency in Tally Prime

· You can Create Unlimited Foreign Currencies

· You can Pass Transactions in Multi Currencies.

· Can View Reports like profit& Loss account Balance sheet in Multi currency. Automate calculation of Forex gain/ loss

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