Home Tally Prime How to See Purchase GST Reports for composition in Tally Prime.

How to See Purchase GST Reports for composition in Tally Prime.

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How to See Purchase GST Reports for composition in Tally Prime.

Step: GOT > Display More Reports > GST Reports > GST CMP-08 > Press “Alt+F2” for Change


After Follow Above step Screen of GST Purchase reports shown like this following screenshot:

Ø In this reports you can see that there is two entries shown in “Include in Return” row.

1. Condition 4: Composition Purchase RCM Goods from register Dealer Entry

Step: GOT > Voucher > F9 > Ctrl+H > Item Invoice

Ø For entry in Purchase voucher under GST fill all details like’

· Supplier invoice No: Type Supplier Invoice or Bill Number Like I type ‘DK13’

· Date – Type date of Purchase transactions by pressing F2, like I type ’01/04/2020′

· Party A/c Name – Select your Composition Supplier Like I select “Ajit Sharma (URD) Supplier”.

· Purchase Ledger – Select Purchase ledger, like I select ‘Purchase A/c’

· Name of Item – Select Taxable Stock Item like I select ‘Silk Yarn’.

· Location – Select the Godown for Store Item. Like I select “Sasaram Godown”.

· Quantity – type number of Dell Laptop Purchase. Like I type ’10 Pcs.’

· Rate – Type rate of one Dell laptop. Like I type ‘20,000’

Note: Register dealer cannot issue tax invoice for RCM supplies so entry of purchase RCM supplies from register dealer will be without tax.

After filling all Above details screen of Purchase ledger will shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Practice exercise for Purchase Goods from register Dealer Entry, for you.

· Supplier invoice No: DK26

· Date –02/04/2020

· Party A/c Name – Aman Prasad(Reg.) supplier

· Purchase Ledger – Purchase A/c

· Name of Item – Silk Yarn

· Location – Patna Godown

· Quantity – 12 Kgs

· Rate –1000

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