Home Tally Prime How to see Payroll Statement for employee in Tally Prime?

How to see Payroll Statement for employee in Tally Prime?

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How to see Payroll Statement for employee in Tally Prime?

Step: – GOT > Display More Reports > Payroll Reports > Payroll Statement

After reaching by follow above step, screen of Payroll Statement will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø For showing Payroll Statement of employees, select any Pay Head type which you want to see & then press enter.

Ø If Payroll Statement do not see then Change Period by pressing F2 button after that Payroll Statement of employee shown like that following screenshot:

Ø You can Print, Email or Export this Payroll Statement according to requirement.

1. Employee Pay Head Breakup

Employee Pay Head Breakup – An Employee Pay Head Breakup report is a columnar report which displays the Group/Department-wise employees’ breakup of a selected earnings or deductions pay head for a specified month/period.

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