Home Tally Prime How to Pass Sale Voucher Entry (Accounting Invoice mode) In Tally Prime?

How to Pass Sale Voucher Entry (Accounting Invoice mode) In Tally Prime?

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How to Pass Sale Voucher Entry (Accounting Invoice mode) In Tally Prime? 

Step: – GOT > Voucher > Press “F8” Short cut Key for Sale Voucher > Ctrl+H (For Accounting Invoice Selection) > Enter
 After Reaching the Above Step Screen will be Shown Like this following,
 Pass the Entry in the Accounting Invoice mode Screen & Fill all details Like

  • Date – Type Date of Entry
  • Reference No – Type Bill or Invoice No for Customer
  • Party’s A/c Name- Name of Party (Customer)
  • Particulars – Select Sale Ledger or Service Expanse ledger
  • Narration – Type Narration about entry

         *Example No: 1. Sold Telephone Service to Sohan Customer with Invoice no- DKP/321, ₹

  • Date – 01/04/2020
  • Reference No – DKP/321
  • Party’s A/c Name- Sohan A/c
  • Particulars – Telephone Services
  • Amount – 40000
  • Narration – Being Service Sold on credit

       Pass Entry of Above Example in Purchase Voucher as following Screenshot:

       Practice Exercise for Sale Voucher (Accounting Invoice mode) Entry in Tally Prime, for you

      *Example No: 2. Sold Advertisement Service to Rejesh Customer with Invoice no-
        DKP/897, ₹ 30000

  •  Date – 02/04/2020
  • Reference No – DKP/897
  •  Party’s A/c Name– Rajesh A/c
  • Particulars – Advertisement Services
  • Amount – 30000
  • Narration – Being Service Sold on credit

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