Home Tally Prime How to define Password Policy for user in Tally Prime?

How to define Password Policy for user in Tally Prime?

3 min read

How to define Password Policy for user in Tally Prime?

GOT > Alt+K > Password


After reaching by follow
above step, screen of Password will show
like that following screenshot:

Ø  For Defining Password
Policy for your users fill details like,

Activate Password Policy –
For apply password
policy for user set to this

Minimum Password Strength – If you want to
provide password strength for user then you
can provides any as minimum
password strength for user.
By default its value is 8.


Specify advance parameters for password strength – If you want to specify advance parameter
for password strength then set to this option “Yes” and specify characters of alphabetic, numeric and special
character in password.

Password expiry after – Type number
of days after password has been expired.
By default

its value is 90 Days.
If you want to remove expiry
date then type “0”. Like I
type “30 days”.


Notify users
before password expire –
If you want to show
warning message by tally before expiry of password of user then set
to option “Yes” and type days before
notify days.

Restrict the use of old password
If you want to apply
restriction related to using

password by user then set to “Yes” and type
number of old password to be restricted.

Change Password on first login –
If you provide
rights to your user to change
password on

first login then set to this “Yes” otherwise set “No”.

Allow user to change Password
If you provide
rights to your user to change password

then set to this “Yes” otherwise
set “No”.


After filling and enabling all option screen of password
policy will shown like that following screenshot:


Ø  After enabling all option Press Enter or Ctrl+A to save
this policy.



Process 4- Remove &
Change Password

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