Home Tally Prime How to Create Single Employee in Tally Prime?

How to Create Single Employee in Tally Prime?

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How to Create Single Employee in Tally Prime?

Step: GOT > Create > Employee > Enter

Ø After reaching by follow above step, screen of Employee will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø If You want to show more details to filling about employee then Press F12 and all option like that following screenshot:

Press ‘Ctrl+A’ for save after enable all option then screen will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø Fill all details like,

· Category – Select Category name from list. like I select “Patna Head Branch”

· Name – Type name of Employee who is in your company. Like I type “Shivam Roy”

· Display name in reports as – This option is print or show in Payslip. leave it as by default name like I leave it by default name “Shivam Roy”.

· Under – Select Employee group Department name for this employee. Like I select

“Sales Department”

· Date of joining – Enter the Date of Joining of Employee in company for Attendance making & Salary calculation. Like Enter “1/Jan/2021”.

· Define Salary Details – Set to this option “No” discus this option in incoming

process of Payroll.

· General Information – Fill all common or general details about Employee like Employee Number, Designation, Function, location, Email Id, Phone No & employee bank details for Salary Payment etc.

· Statutory details – Fill all Statutory details for PF, ESI and NPS deduction and Contribution of employee & employer such as PAN No, Adhaar No, UAN No, PF no, ESI no, PRAN no etc.

· Passport and Visa Details – If Employee belongs to other country then fill its Passport and VISA details like Passport No, Visa No, Passport and Visa expiry details etc. if employee not belongs to other country then left it as empty all details. Like I am not filling it.

· Contract details – If you signed a Contract to your employee then fill all contract details like Work permit no, Contract start date, Contact expiry date etc. if no contract then left it as empty all details. Like I am not filling it.

After filling all above details screen will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A to save this screen

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