Home Tally Prime Basic Sales Services Entry under GST for Regulardealer.

Basic Sales Services Entry under GST for Regulardealer.

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Basic Sales Services Entry under GST for Regular dealer.

3. Condition 1: Sales Service to Regular Dealer Entry

Step: GOT > Voucher > F8 > Ctrl+H > Accounting Invoice

Ø For entry in Sales voucher under GST fill all details like’

· Reference No: Type Any Number as Reference Like I type ‘DK01’

· Date – Type date of Sales service by pressing F2, like I type ’01/04/2020′

· Party A/c Name – Select your Regular Customer Like I select “Dinesh Sharma (Reg.) Customer”.

· Particular – Select services like I select “IT Services”.

· Rate – Type rate of IT Service. Like I type ‘50,000’

Ø After filling above details Press enter & select GST tax ledger form list.

Note: Apply GST Tax according Customer’s State. If Customer’s state is same (Intra-State) then apply CGST+SGST both. If Customer’s state are different (Inter-State) from us then Apply IGST only.

· Select CGST and SGST in Ledger

Ø After filling all Above details screen of Sale ledger will shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Practice exercise for Sold service to Regular Dealer Entry, for you.

· Supplier invoice No: DK03

· Date –02/04/2020

· Party A/c Name – Mukesh Gupta

· Particular – IT service

· Rate – 50000

· Tax Ledger – IGST

4. Condition 2: Sales Services to Composition Dealer Entry

Step: GOT > Voucher > F8 > Ctrl+H > Accounting Invoice

Ø For entry in Sales voucher under GST fill all details like’

· Reference No: Type Any Number as Reference Like I type ‘DK02’

· Date – Type date of Sale transactions by pressing F2, like I type ’01/04/2020′

· Party A/c Name – Select your Composition Customer Like I select “Ritesh Kumar (Comp.) Customer”.

· Particular – Select your services like I select “IT Service”.

· Rate – Type rate of Service. Like I type ‘50,000’

Ø After filling above details Press enter & select GST tax ledger form list.

Note: Apply GST Tax according Customer’s State. If Customer’s state is same (Intra-State) then apply CGST+SGST both. If Customer’s state are different (Inter-State) from us then Apply IGST only.

· Select CGST and SGST in Ledger

Ø After filling all Above details screen of Sale ledger will shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Practice exercise for Sold Service to Composition Dealer Entry, for you.

· Supplier invoice No: DK04

· Date –02/04/2020

· Party A/c Name – Mohan Prasad

· Particular – IT service

· Rate – 50000

· Tax Ledger – CGST+SGST

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