
6.2 Entering Vouchers

6.2 Entering Vouchers

Entering Voucher means recording of day-to-day activities or transactions of business in a specified format according to the type of transaction made. All the reports in BUSY are based on the data entered in the vouchers. To record various transactions, BUSY provides a classified menu of different voucher types. To view list of various vouchers provided by BUSY, click Transactions menu. On clicking the Transactions menu, a list displaying all the voucher types appears. Given here is a screenshot of Transactions menu displaying all the voucher types provided in BUSY.


Figure 6.2 Transactions Menu

Before discussing various voucher types, let us discuss certain options that are common to all the voucher type. On clicking any voucher type in the Transactions menu, three options are displayed. The options are Add, Modify and List. Let us discuss these three options in detail.


By using Add option of a voucher type, you can add a new voucher. For example, if you want to add a Sales voucher then you have to click Sales à Add option. On clicking the Sales à Add option, a Sales – Add window appears in which you can enter details about the transaction made.


By using the Modify option of a voucher type, you can edit details of a voucher. For example, if you want to edit details of a Sales voucher then you have to click Transactions à Sales à Modify option. On clicking the Modify option, a Select Voucher to Modify window appears. In the window, specify voucher details such as Voucher Series, Voucher Date, and Voucher Number of the voucher you want to modify and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, specified voucher will get open with all the details entered earlier. You can then make changes in the voucher and click the Save button to save the changes made by you.


By using the List option of a voucher type, you can view / print list of all the vouchers created for a voucher type. For example, you want to view list of all the Sales vouchers entered in the month of April then you have to click Transactions à Sales à List option. On clicking the List option, a List Sales Voucher message box will appear with two buttons, Screen and Printer. Click the Screen button to

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