Home Busy Accounting Software 10.5 VAT Adjustment Details

10.5 VAT Adjustment Details

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10.5 VAT Adjustment Details

VAT Adjustment Details report displays the details of Input / Output Tax adjustment or any payment / refund of VAT made. It displays all the details related to VAT payment and refunds such as Challan Number, Challan Date, Bank Name / Code and so on. On clicking the VAT Adjustment Details report, a VAT Adjustments window appears. In the window, there are four options. The options are:

Input Tax – Select this option to view details of Input Tax adjustment.

Output Tax – Select this option to view details of Output Tax adjustment.

Unit 10 – Sales Tax & VAT Reports 251

Payment – Select this option to view details of VAT payment made.

Refund – Select this option to view details of VAT refund.

On selecting any of the above option, a Report Options window appears. Given here are the data fields that appear in the Report Options window.

Starting Date – Enter the starting date from which the Input Tax / Output Tax / Payment / Refund details are to be considered.

Ending Date – Enter the ending date up to which the Input Tax / Output Tax / Payment / Refund details are to be considered.

Enter required data in the data fields of Report Options window and click the Ok button. On clicking the Ok button, Input Tax Adjustment / Output Tax Adjustment / VAT Payment / VAT Refund report appears.

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