
Unit 6 – Transactions 163

Unit 6 – Transactions 163

Figure 6.23 Item-Wise Description Configuration

In the Item-Wise Description Configuration window, various data fields and a group appear. The data fields and group are:

No. of Description Lines

Enter the number of item description lines required at the time of voucher entry. You can enter maximum ten description lines.

Description Titles

This group gets active on specifying a value greater than zero in the No. of Description Lines data field. Data fields equivalent to the value specified in the No. of Description Lines data field appear in this group. You have to specify the title or name for the lines in this data field. For example, Star Electronics Company wants to enter four different type of description i.e. USP, Ratings, Warranty Terms and Type with the items. Hence, it has to specify ‘4’ in the No. of Description Lines data field and in the Title data field, it can specify the value as USP, Ratings, Warranty Terms and Type. Now at the time of entering voucher, an Item-Wise Description window will appear for each item. In the window, there will be four lines one each for USP, Rating, Warranty Terms and Type. Star Electronics Company can then enter required data in these lines.

Pick Item Description through <F4>

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field, if you want to pick item description by pressing <F4> key from the already entered descriptions.


Item-Wise Discount

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to enter discount with each item at the time of voucher entry. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, an Item-Wise Discount window will appear with each item at the time of voucher entry in which you can enter the discount to be given / taken on item. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a Configure button appears. On clicking the Configure button, a Calculation of Item-Wise Discount window appears. In the Calculation of Item-Wise Discount window, following two groups appear:

Discount Type

In this group, there is only one option. The option is:

Simple Discount – Select this option if you want to enter simple discount.

Amount of Discount to be Fed As

In this group, you can configure item-wise discount based on four options. The options are:

Absolute Amount – Select this option if you want to enter an absolute amount of discount for an item. For example, Star Electronics Company wants to give Rs. 1,000 discount on a bill of Rs. 10,000 and above. For this purpose, it can select this option.

Percentage – Select this option if you want to give discount at a specified rate on the item price

/ amount / MRP. On selecting this option, you have to specify the item value i.e. price, amount or MRP on which you want to calculate the discount percentage. On selecting this option, following options appear:

o Item Price – Select this option if you want to calculate the discount on item price. For example, Star Electronics Company wants to give 5% discount on the price of item LG AC 1.5 ton. Hence, it will select this option and enter the discount percentage as ‘5’ in the Item Price & Discount window that appears at the time of voucher entry. Now if the cost of LG AC 1.5 ton is Rs. 25,000 then discount will be Rs. 1,250 and the price of the item after discount will be Rs. 23,750.

o Item MRP – Select this option if you want to calculate discount percentage on Item MRP.

o Item Amount – Select this option if you want to calculate discount percentage on total item amount.

Per Main Qty. – Select this option if you want to give discount as per main quantity. For example, Star Electronics Company wants to give flat Rs. 2,000 as discount on each unit of item LG AC 1.5 ton. For this purpose, it can select this option and specify the rate of discount for each unit of item at the time of voucher entry.

Separate Billing Details

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to maintain party’s billing address separately. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a Separate Billing Details window will appear on selecting a party at in the voucher. In the Separate Billing Details window, you can enter the Name, TIN and address of the party. This

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