
Unit 6 – Transactions 145

Unit 6 – Transactions 145

Add option. On clicking the Add option, a Journal Voucher – Add window appears. Given here is a screenshot of Journal Voucher – Add window.

Figure 6.15 Journal Voucher – Add

In the Journal – Add window, there are various data fields. The data fields are:

Voucher Series

Select the required voucher series from the list.


Enter the date of journal voucher.

Vch No.

Enter voucher number in this data field. If you have set voucher numbering as Automatic in Vouchers Configuration then voucher number will be generated automatically and you cannot change value in it. If you have set voucher numbering as Not Required in Vouchers Configuration then this data field will


be disabled and you are not allowed to enter voucher number. By default, voucher numbering is set to Not Required for Journal vouchers.

Accounts Detail Grid

Under Account Details grid, you can select the accounts to be debited and credited and the debit / credit amount. Various fields under the Accounts Detail grid are:

D / C

Select ‘D’ if the account you will select next is to be debited otherwise select ‘C’ if the account you will select next is to be credited.


Select account to be debited / credited.


Focus comes to this field, if you have selected ‘D’ in the D / C data field. Select the amount to be debited.


Focus comes to this field, if you have selected ‘C’ in the D / C data field. Select the amount to be credited.

Short Narration

Enter short narration for the entry in this data field.

Long Narration

Enter long narration for the voucher in this data field.

After entering appropriate data in the data fields, click the Save button to save the Journal voucher. On clicking the Save button certain windows appear. The windows are Bill-bill Adjustment of Amount, VAT Adjustment (Payment / Tax Adjustment / Refund) and CST Adjustment Details (Payment). For detailed help on these windows, please refer to the subtopic 6.2.5 – Payment.

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