
Unit 5 – Masters 97

Unit 5 – Masters 97


Select this option if you want to calculate Bill Sundry amount as a certain percentage of items sold / purchased. For example, Star Electronics Company charges 5% as VAT on all the items it sells. It can then create a Bill Sundry named VAT 5%, specify its Default Value as ‘5’ and select the Percentage option. Now whenever the company will use this Bill Sundry, 5% of item’s amount will be taken as Bill Sundry amount.

On selecting the Percentage option, a sub group with the name ‘of’ gets activated. Under this group, you have to specify an amount on which Bill Sundry value is to be calculated. This amount can be net bill amount, Item MRP and so on. Various options under this group are:

Percentage of

Specify the percentage of item value on which Bill Sundry amount is to be calculated. For example, if you want to charge Bill Sundry on 80% value of item then you can specify 80 in this data field. Otherwise, if you want to calculate Bill Sundry amount on full item value then you can specify 100 in this data field.

Nett Bill Amount

Select this option if you want to calculate the amount of Bill Sundry on Nett bill amount. Nett bill amount implies the bill amount inclusive of Bill Sundries charged. For example, an item of Rs. 10,000 is taxable at the rate of 5 % then nett bill amount will be Rs. 10,500 (10,000 + 5% of 10,000).

Taxable Amount

Select this option if you want to calculate Bill Sundry on taxable amount. Taxable amount refers to the item amount on which tax is to be charged. Continuing with above example, taxable amount will be Rs. 10,000.

Item Basic Amount

Select this option if you want to calculate amount of Bill Sundry on the actual cost of goods excluding any Bill Sundry charged. For example, you are selling an item of Rs. 10,000 on which you have applied a Discount Bill Sundry @1% amounting to Rs. 100. In this case, item basic amount will be Rs. 10,000 only and not Rs. 9,900, as item basic amount does not include any Bill Sundry value.

Total MRP of Items

Select this option if you want to calculate Bill Sundry amount on MRP of item entered in the Item master.

Previous Bill Sundry Amount

Select this option if you want to calculate Bill Sundry amount according to a previous Bill Sundry in the voucher. If you select this option then a Previous Bill Sundry Detail group gets activated. In the group following two data fields appear:


No. of Bill Sundry(s) – Enter the number of previous Bill Sundries to be taken into account when the Bill Sundry amount is to be calculated. You can take into account maximum of nine Bill Sundries.

Consolidate Bill Sundries Amount – This data field gets active only if you have specified a number other than 1 and 0 in the above data field. If you specify ‘Y’ in this data field then consolidated amount of previous Bill Sundries will be taken into account. Number of previous Bill Sundries to be taken into account for calculation purpose will be equivalent to the number specified in the No. of Bill Sundry data field.

For example, you have entered a Sales voucher and charged three Bill Sundries amounting Rs. 10, Rs. 20 and Rs. 30 respectively. At the fourth position you charge a Bill Sundry in which you have specified ‘Y’ in the Consolidate Bill Sundry Amount data field and ‘2’ in the No. of Bill Sundry(s) data field. In this case, value of the two Bill Sundries counting back from the current Bill Sundry (two Bill Sundry from the current Bill Sundry) will be consolidated i.e. 30+20 = 50. Value of Bill Sundry at the fourth position will be calculated on Rs. 50. Bill Sundries are picked by doing back counting from the current position. In other words, since the current Bill Sundry is at fourth position thus Bill Sundries lying at third and second position will be consolidated to calculate the amount of fourth Bill Sundry.

In the same scenario, if you have specified ‘N’ in the Consolidate Bill Sundry Amount data field then it will take into account the amount of Bill Sundry lying at the position mentioned in the No. of Bill Sundry(s) data field counting back from the current Bill Sundry. Bill Sundry lying at second position counting back from the current Bill Sundry is of Rs. 20. Hence, value of Bill Sundry lying at fourth position will be calculated on Rs. 20.

è Values in Amount to be Fed As group cannot be changed if the Bill Sundry is used in any voucher.

Round Off Bill Sundry Amount

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to round off the Bill Sundry amount in the voucher entry.

Bill Sundry Amount Round Off

In the Amount Round Off Configuration sub group, you can specify the method according to which Bill Sundry amount will be round off. In the sub group, there are three options. The options are:

Always Upper – Select this option if you want to round off the value in a voucher to the upper limit.

Always Lower – Select this option if you want to round off the value in a voucher to the lower limit.

Automatic – Select this option if you want to round off the value to upper / lower limit in a voucher automatically.

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