
Unit 5 – Masters 91

Unit 5 – Masters 91


Select Material Centre Group under which, the Material Centre falls. In the screenshot given above Group is taken as Central Delhi Godowns.

Stock Account

Select account under which stock value of Material Centre will be recorded. Generally, companies use Stock Account to record stock of Material Centre, however, you can use some other account also such as Stock in Hand and so on.

Reflect the Stock in Balance Sheet

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to reflect stock of Material Center in the Balance Sheet. Otherwise, specify ‘N’ in this data field if you do not want to reflect stock of Material Centre in the Balance Sheet. For example, at a particular Material Centre, you keep only scrap, hence you would not like the stock of that Material Centre to be displayed in Balance sheet.

Address Info.

Under this group, various lines for entering Material Centre address appear. Enter Material Centre address in the address lines.

After entering appropriate data in the data fields, click the Save button to save the Material Centre master.

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