Unit 5 – Masters
Figure 5.6 Hierarchy of Account Groups
After discussing the Account Group master, let us now move on to the creation of Account Group master.
To create an Account Group master, click Administration à Masters à Accounts Group à Add option. On clicking the Add option, a Group Master – Add window appears. In the window, you can specify the Account Group to be created. Given here is a screenshot of Group Master – Add window.
Figure 5.7 Group Master – Add
In the Group Master – Add window, there are various data fields. The data fields are:
Group Name
Specify the name of Account Group in this data field.
Specify the Alias for Account Group in this data field.
Primary Group (Y / N)
Specify whether the Account Group you are creating is a primary group or falls under any other group. Primary group here refers to the group at the top most level of hierarchy i.e. it does not fall under any other group.
Under Group
This data field becomes active if you have specified ‘N’ in the Primary Group data field. Select the group under which the Account Group you are creating falls.