
Unit 5 – Masters 67

Unit 5 – Masters 67

dealers with same name Rohan Kapoor, one is in Delhi and other is in Mumbai. To differentiate between the two Account masters, you append the name of the city with their names. Thus, the account names will be Rohan Kapoor – Delhi and Rohan Kapoor – Mumbai. Now all the documents concerning these two accounts will have the name of the cities appended with the customer’s names. This is not acceptable to the company since it wants only the name of the customers to appear on the reports. For this purpose, the company specifies the Print Name as Rohan Kapoor for both the accounts. Now the reports will display only Rohan Kapoor in the header while the account names will remain different.

Parent Group

Parent Group refers to the Group under which various masters can be classified. It helps to establish a hierarchy for the Masters. You can specify Parent Group for Account, Item, Material Centre and Cost Centre masters. For example, Star Electronics Company has many models of Televisions such as LCD, Flat Screen and so on, hence it can categorise all these models of Television under group Television. Let us take another example, Star Electronics has various debtors and creditors, hence it can specify the group as Sundry Debtors for all the parties, which are debtors of the company and can specify the group as Sundry Creditors for all the parties, which are creditors of the company.

Apart from the common terms, there are certain options that are common to all the Masters. The options are Add, Modify and List. On clicking any Master Type in Masters menu, these options appear. Let us discuss these options in detail.


By using Add option of Masters, you can add a new master in BUSY. On clicking the Add option, a Master – Add window appears in which you can create a new Master. For example, if you want to create a new Account master then click Administration à Masters à Accounts à Add Option. On clicking the Add option, an Account Master – Add window appears in which you can create a new Account master.


By using Modify option of Masters, you can edit details of the already entered Masters. On clicking the Modify option, a Select Master to Modify window appears in which you can select the master to be modified. On selecting the master, click the Select button. On clicking, the Select button, a Master – Modify window appears with already entered details of the Master. Edit the master information and click the Save button.

You can also delete a Master by using the Modify option. At the top of Master – Modify window, a Delete button appears on clicking which you can delete a Master. Masters can be deleted based on certain conditions. The conditions are:

Master should not be used in any other Master

Master should not be used in any transaction


Master is not a predefined Master


By using List option of Masters, you can view / print list of Masters created for a Master Type. For example, you want to view list of all the Item masters created by you then you can do so by clicking Administration à Masters à Item à List option.

After discussing common terms and options, let us start discussing the Masters provided in BUSY. We will first start with the Account master.

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