
How To Delete Company/Single F.Y in Busy-21 #06

How to Delete Company/Financial year in Busy

How to Delete Company / Single F.Y. in Busy-21

Efficiently delete company or a single financial year in Busy-21 with our step-by-step guide. Streamline your data management and ensure accurate records. Learn the process now!

Company > Delete Company / Single F.Y.

How to Delete Company/Single F.Y in Busy-21

To delete a company, the Company menu provides the Delete Company / Single F.Y. option.

  • Click the Delete Company / Single F.Y. option. On clicking the Delete Company / Single F.Y. option, a Select Company for Deletion window appears that lists down all the existing companies.
  • Select the company that you want to delete and click the Select button. On clicking the Select button, an Authority Check window appears for the SuperUser Name and Password. Enter the SuperUser name and password and click the Ok button.

Only the SuperUser has the authority to delete a company. If the user name and password entered by you does not match the SuperUser name and password, BUSY will open a Can’t Delete message box informing you that you do not have the authority to delete the company.

Next a Delete Company message box appears giving you two options to delete a company:

  • Complete Company
  • Single F.Y. (Financial Year)

The two options are explained here.

Complete Company

If you select the Complete Company option, BUSY will delete all the records for the company for all the years.

  • On selecting Complete Company option, a Data Deletion message box appears.
  • Click the Yes button to delete the all the records for the company.

Data once deleted cannot be recovered or restored.

A Company Deleted message box appears to inform that the specified company has been deleted.

Single F.Y.

On selecting Single F.Y. option, BUSY will check the number of financial years that you have recorded data for. If you have entered records for more than one financial year, BUSY will open a Select F.Y. message box asking you to select either the first or the last financial year for deletion.

While deleting the records for a company financial year wise, you can delete only the last or the first financial year records. You cannot delete a middle financial year record. This is done to maintain integrity of data. Let us understand with the help of an example. You have entered records for three years starting from 2002-2003 till 2004-2005. Now you want to delete the records for 2003-2004. In this case, you will first have to delete either 2002-2003 or 2004-2005 records then you can delete 2003-2004 records.

After you select a financial year for deletion, BUSY will open a Data Deletion message box confirming the deletion.

  • On clicking the Yes button, a Data Deleted message box appears informing you that the specified financial year has been deleted successfully.

If you have recorded data for one financial year only, BUSY will open a Can’t Delete message box informing you that since you have only one financial year this option cannot be used. In such a case, you will have to select the Complete Company option.

  • Click the Ok button and select the Complete Company option.
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