
How to Create Supplier Ledger under GST in Tally Prime?

How to Create Supplier Ledger under GST in Tally Prime?

Step: GOT > Create > Ledger

1. Create Regular Supplier Dealer ledger

Ø For create Regular Supplier dealer ledger, fill following details like,

· Name –Type name of your Regular supplier dealer like, I type “Suresh Sharma (Reg.)


· Under –Select “Sundry Creditor” under group

· Maintain Balance bill-by-bill – Set to “Yes”

· Default credit period – Type any default credit period or days like I enter “25 days”.

· Check for credit days during voucher entry – Set to “Yes” this option.

· State – Select Supplier state from list. Like I select “Bihar”.

· Registration type – Select Registration type of Supplier. I Like select “Regular”

· GSTIN/UIN – Type GSTIN/UIN number of Supplier like I type “10JHGFD3456K1Z2”.

· Set/Alter GST details – Set to this option “Yes”

Ø After set Yes to this option screen will open in new window like this following screenshot:

Ø Fill all details of this screen like,

· Registration type – Select Regular

· Assessee of other Territory – Set the option Assessee of Other Territory to “Yes” if the party is belongs to Exclusive Economic Zone (other territory). I set to “No”.

· Is e-commerce operator – If the supplier is an e-commerce operator then enable this

option. Like I set to this option “No”.

· Consider Party as Deemed Export for Purchase – If the supplier is a Deemed Exporter

then set to option “Yes”. Like I set to this option “No”.

· Party Type – Select type of Party from list like if the supplier is Deemed Export, Embassy/UN body or SEZ (Special Economic Zone). Then select any one according to Party type. Like I select “Not Applicable”.

· GSTIN/UIN – Type supplier’s GSTIN/UIN number like I type “10JHGFD3456K1Z2”.

· Is a transporter – If you supplier is a transporter then set to this option “Yes”. Like I set


After filling all details screen will show like this following screenshot:

Ø Press Enter or Ctrl+A for save this screen

After filling all Above details Final screen of supplier ledger shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A for save this screen.

1. Create Composition Supplier Dealer ledger

Ø For create Composition Supplier dealer ledger, fill following details like,

· Name –Type name of your Regular supplier dealer like, I type “Dhiraj Sharma (Compo) Supplier”

· Under –Select “Sundry Creditor” under group

· Maintain Balance bill-by-bill – Set to “Yes”

· Default credit period – Type any default credit period or days like I enter “28 days”.

· Check for credit days during voucher entry – Set to “Yes” this option.

· State – Select Supplier state from list. Like I select “Bihar”.

· Registration type – Select Registration type of Supplier. I Like select “Composition”

· GSTIN/UIN – Type GSTIN/UIN number of Supplier like I type “10FGGFD3456K1Z2”.

· Set/Alter GST details – Set to this option “Yes”



After set Yes to this option screen will open in new window like this following screenshot:

· Name –Type name of your Regular supplier dealer like, I type “Dhiraj Sharma (Compo) Supplier”

· Under –Select “Sundry Creditor” under group

· Maintain Balance bill-by-bill – Set to “Yes”

· Default credit period – Type any default credit period or days like I enter “28 days”.

· Check for credit days during voucher entry – Set to “Yes” this option.

· State – Select Supplier state from list. Like I select “Bihar”.

· Registration type – Select Registration type of Supplier. I Like select “Composition”

· GSTIN/UIN – Type GSTIN/UIN number of Supplier like I type “10FGGFD3456K1Z2”.

· Set/Alter GST details – Set to this option “Yes”

After set Yes to this option screen will open in new window like this following screenshot:

Ø Fill all details of this screen like,

§ Registration type – Select Composition

§ Assessee of other Territory – Set the option Assessee of Other Territory to “Yes” if the party is belongs to Exclusive Economic Zone (other territory). I set to “No”.

§ Is e-commerce operator – If the supplier is an e-commerce operator then enable this option. Like I set to this option “No”.

§ Consider Party as Deemed Export for Purchase – If the supplier is a Deemed

Exporter then set to option “Yes”. Like I set to this option “No”.

§ GSTIN/UIN – Type supplier’s GSTIN/UIN number like I type “10FGGFD3456K1Z2”.

§ Is a transporter – If you supplier is a transporter then set to this option “Yes”. Like I set “No”.

Ø After filling all details screen will show like this following screenshot:

Ø Press Enter or Ctrl+A for save this screen

After filling all Above details Final screen of supplier ledger shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A for save this screen.

3. Create Unregistered Supplier Dealer ledger

Ø For create Un-registered Supplier dealer ledger, fill following details like,

· Name –Type name of your Regular supplier dealer like, I type “Rohit Sharma (URD) Supplier”

· Under –Select “Sundry Creditor” under group

· Maintain Balance bill-by-bill – Set to “Yes”

· Default credit period – Type any default credit period or days like I enter “27 days”.

· Check for credit days during voucher entry – Set to “Yes” this option.

· State – Select Supplier state from list. Like I select “Bihar”.

· Registration type – Select Registration type of Supplier. I Like select “Unregistered”

· Set/Alter GST details – Set to this option “Yes”

Ø After set Yes to this option screen will open in new window like this following screenshot:

Ø Fill all details of this screen like,

§ Registration type – Select Unregistered

§ Is a transporter – If you supplier is a transporter then set to this option “Yes”. Like I set “No”.

After filling all details screen will show like this following screenshot:

Ø Press Enter or Ctrl+A for save this screen

Ø After filling all Above details Final screen of supplier ledger shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A for save this screen.

Ø Practice Exercise for Create Supplier Ledger under GST in Tally Prime, For You.







Rajesh Gupta

Sundry creditor




Sohan Prasad

Sundry creditor




Kamal Pandey

Sundry creditor




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September 2024