
How to create Payroll voucher (Dues) in Tally Prime?

How to create Payroll voucher (Dues) in Tally Prime?

v For User Defined Dues

Step: – GOT > Voucher > Ctrl+F4 > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

Or, GOT > Voucher > F10 > Payroll > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

After reaching by follow above step, screen of Payroll Autofill Box will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø Fill all details for User defined Pay Heads type in Payroll Autofill box like,

· Transactions Type – Select “Payroll Autofill”.

· Process for – Select “User Defined” from list of Process

· From (blank for beginning) – Type first date of months in which you create Attendance

of Employee. Like I type “01/01/2021”.

· To (blank for end) – Type last date of months in which you create Attendance of Employee. Like I type “31/01/2021”.

· Employee Category – Select employee category for your employee. Like I select “Patna Head Office”

· Employee/Group – you can do process according to a single employee or Employee

groups. I select Employee groups “Sales Department”.

· Sort by – Select any one from two methods to arrange employees in series in Payroll

voucher screen for Process. Like I select “Employee Name”.

· Payroll/Bank/Cash Ledger – Select Payable Ledger from list according process type. Like

I select “Salary Payable” for user defined process type.

After filling all above details in Payroll Autofill box for User Defined, screen will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø After filling details in Payroll Box Press Enter then Payroll voucher screen will shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Fill amounts for all Users defined Pay Heads for Every Employee according to necessity.

Ø Use following Table to fill User define Value in Payroll voucher screen to forwarded process:



Variable Pay




Advance Salary


Shiwam Roy





Anil Sharma





Mohan Pandey





Kamal Raj





Ø Filled User defined value in Payroll voucher screen by using above table like following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A to Save this screen.

v For Salary Dues

Step: – GOT > Voucher > Ctrl+F4 > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

Or, GOT > Voucher > F10 > Payroll > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

Ø Fill all details for Salary dues Process in Payroll Autofill box like,

· Transactions Type – Select “Payroll Autofill”.

· Process for – Select “Salary” from list of Process

· Compute Income Tax based on – Select any one of them for income tax calculation. Like

I select “Declared Value”.

· From (blank for beginning) – Type first date of months in which you create Attendance

of Employee. Like I type “01/01/2021”.

· To (blank for end) – Type last date of months in which you create Attendance of

Employee. Like I type “31/01/2021”.

· Employee Category – Select employee category for your employee. Like I select “Patna Head Office”

· Employee/Group – you can do process according to a single employee or Employee

groups. I select Employee groups “Sales Department”.

· Sort by – Select any one from two methods to arrange employees in series in Payroll

voucher screen for Process. Like I select “Employee Name”.

· Payroll/Bank/Cash Ledger – Select Payable Ledger from list according process type. Like

I select “Salary Payable” for user defined process type.

· After filling all above details in Payroll Autofill box for Salary, screen will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø After filling details in Payroll Box Press Enter then Payroll voucher auto calculate Salary payable of Every employee which is shown like this following screenshot:

Note: Every Pay Heads calculated but Income tax not calculate because employee’s income is not eligible to calculate income tax.

Ø Press Ctrl+A to Save this screen.

v For PF Contribution Dues

Step: – GOT > Voucher > Ctrl+F4 > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

Or, GOT > Voucher > F10 > Payroll > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

Ø Fill all details for PF Contribution dues Process in Payroll Autofill box like,

· Transactions Type – Select “Payroll Autofill”.

· Process for – Select “PF Contribution” from list of Process

· Compute Income Tax based on – Select any one of them for income tax calculation. Like

I select “Declared Value”.

· From (blank for beginning) – Type first date of months in which you create Attendance

of Employee. Like I type “01/01/2021”.

· To (blank for end) – Type last date of months in which you create Attendance of

Employee. Like I type “31/01/2021”.

· Employee Category – Select employee category for your employee. Like I select “Patna Head Office”

· Employee/Group – you can do process according to a single employee or Employee groups. I select Employee groups “Sales Department”.

· Sort by – Select any one from two methods to arrange employees in series in Payroll

voucher screen for Process. Like I select “Employee Name”.

· Payroll/Bank/Cash Ledger – Select Payable Ledger from list according process type. Like

I select “PF Payable” for user defined process type.

· After filling all above details in Payroll Autofill box for Salary, screen will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø After filling details in Payroll Box Press Enter then Payroll voucher auto calculate PF payable of Every employee which is shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A to Save this screen.

v For ESI Contribution Dues

Step: – GOT > Voucher > Ctrl+F4 > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

Or, GOT > Voucher > F10 > Payroll > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

Ø Fill all details for PF Contribution dues Process in Payroll Autofill box like,

· Transactions Type – Select “Payroll Autofill”.

· Process for – Select “ESI Contribution” from list of Process

· Compute Income Tax based on – Select any one of them for income tax calculation. Like

I select “Declared Value”.

· From (blank for beginning) – Type first date of months in which you create Attendance of Employee. Like I type “01/01/2021”.

· To (blank for end) – Type last date of months in which you create Attendance of

Employee. Like I type “31/01/2021”.

· Employee Category – Select employee category for your employee. Like I select “Patna Head Office”

· Employee/Group – you can do process according to a single employee or Employee

groups. I select Employee groups “Sales Department”.

· Sort by – Select any one from two methods to arrange employees in series in Payroll

voucher screen for Process. Like I select “Employee Name”.

· Payroll/Bank/Cash Ledger – Select Payable Ledger from list according process type. Like

I select “ESI Payable” for user defined process type.

After filling all above details in Payroll Autofill box for Salary, screen will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø After filling details in Payroll Box Press Enter then Payroll voucher auto calculate ESI payable of Every employee which is shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A to Save this screen.

v For NPS Contribution Dues

Step: – GOT > Voucher > Ctrl+F4 > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

Or, GOT > Voucher > F10 > Payroll > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

Ø Fill all details for PF Contribution dues Process in Payroll Autofill box like,

· Transactions Type – Select “Payroll Autofill”.

· Process for – Select “NPS Contribution” from list of Process

· Compute Income Tax based on – Select any one of them for income tax calculation. Like

I select “Declared Value”.

· From (blank for beginning) – Type first date of months in which you create Attendance

of Employee. Like I type “01/01/2021”.

· To (blank for end) – Type last date of months in which you create Attendance of

Employee. Like I type “31/01/2021”.

· Employee Category – Select employee category for your employee. Like I select “Patna Head Office”

· Employee/Group – you can do process according to a single employee or Employee

groups. I select Employee groups “Sales Department”.

· Sort by – Select any one from two methods to arrange employees in series in Payroll

voucher screen for Process. Like I select “Employee Name”.

· Payroll/Bank/Cash Ledger – Select Payable Ledger from list according process type. Like

I select “NPS Payable” for user defined process type.

· After filling all above details in Payroll Autofill box for Salary, screen will shown like that following screenshot:

After filling details in Payroll Box Press Enter then Payroll voucher auto calculate NPS payable of Every employee which is shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A to Save this screen.

v For PF other Charges Dues Process

Step: – GOT > Voucher > F7 > Ctrl+F (Autofill)

Ø Fill all details for PF Contribution dues Process in Journal Autofill box like,

· Transactions Type – Select “PF Other Charges”.

· From (blank for beginning) – Type first date of months in which you create Attendance

of Employee. Like I type “01/01/2021”.

· To (blank for end) – Type last date of months in which you create Attendance of

Employee. Like I type “31/01/2021”.

· Employee Category – Select employee category for your employee. Like I select “Patna Head Office”

· Employee/Group – you can do process according to a single employee or Employee

groups. I select Employee groups “Sales Department”.

· Expense Ledger – Select “PF Admin Expenses”.

· Admin Charges (A/c No. 2) – Select “PF Admin Charges @ 1.10%”.

· EDLI Contribution (A/c No. 21) – Select “Employer EDLI Contribution @0.5%”.

· EDLI Admin Charges (A/c No. 22) – Select “EDLI Admin Charge @0.01%”.

After filling all above details in Journal Autofill box for PF other Charges, screen will shown like that following screenshot:

Ø After filling details in Journal Autofill Box Press Enter then Journal voucher auto calculate all PF other Charges of Every employee which is shown like this following screenshot:

Ø Press Ctrl+A to Save this screen.

Part 3: Payment Voucher

Payment Voucher – Payment Voucher used for paid dues of Salary, PF, NPS, and ESI of Employee through Bank or Cash.

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