
5.2 Configuring Masters

5.2 Configuring Masters

Masters can be configured with respect to Optional Fields, Print Name and the components to be displayed with them while showing Masters in a dropdown list. Let us first discuss the concept of Optional Fields, Print Name and Additional components in Dropdown list.


Optional Fields

Optional Fields are User-Defined fields that vary from User to User. Each User can create customized Optional Fields as per his requirement. Every company has its own set of requirement and it is very difficult to cater to the needs of each & every company. For example, an electronic goods company may need to specify the warranty, installation charges, security measure and other such features with item whereas a garment manufacturing company may need to specify the designer name, fabric, washing & ironing details with the item. Therefore BUSY introduced the concept of Optional Fields in its software. Data fields that are generic and are relevant for all types of business are given in Masters itself whereas data fields that are company or business specific are left with the User. User can create ten Optional Fields of his choice for a Master type.

Print Name

Print Name refers to the name that will be printed in the reports. BUSY provides the facility to generate Print Name automatically for the Masters. For example, a company follows a particular method for entering Print Name. According to the method, in an Item Print Name, first three characters are for Item name and next three characters are for Item Group. Hence, User can specify this configuration in advance and then generate Print Name automatically at the time of creating masters.

Additional Components in Dropdown List

Additional components in dropdown list refer to the components to be shown in the list displaying Master Name / Alias. For example, while entering a Sales voucher, a list of items appears wherein you can select the required item. You want that along with item name, its MRP and current stock should also appear in the list. Thus with Master Configuration, you can specify the components to be displayed in the dropdown list.

After discussing these concepts, let us move on to configure Masters. To configure Masters, click Administration à Configuration à Masters Configuration option. On clicking the Masters Configuration option, a Masters Configuration window appears. Given here is a screenshot of Masters Configuration window.

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