
5.1.4 Item

5.1.4 Item

An item is a good, commodity, or service that is traded or rendered for the purpose of business. An item can be raw material, finished goods, by-products, or service. Basically, you have to create Item master for the items you sell or purchase. To create Item master, click Administration à Masters à Item à Add option. On clicking the Add option, an Item Master – Add window appears. Given here is a screenshot of Item Master – Add window.

Figure 5.9 Item Master – Add

In the Item Master – Add window, there are various groups and data fields. The groups and data fields are:


Enter name for the item in this data field. In the screenshot above, name of item is given as LG Air Conditioners 1.5 ton.


Enter alias for the item in this data field. In the screenshot above, Alias is given as LG AC 1.5 ton.

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