
5.1.10 Bill Sundry

5.1.10 Bill Sundry

Bill Sundry is an entity that is used to record extra income / expense over and above the sale / purchase amount. Bill Sundries are used in invoice and other documents. Let us understand the concept of Bill Sundry with the help of an invoice format. An Invoice can be classified into three sections. First section is Header that consists of Date, Bill No., Party Name. Second section is Body


that consists of item related information such as item description, price, quantity and so on. Third section is Footer that contains information about Tax, Freight and Forwarding, Discount and so on.

The third section containing information like Sales Tax, Discount, Freight etc. can be referred to as Bill Sundry in BUSY. Bill Sundries are trade specific and hence vary from business to business.

At the time of company creation, BUSY creates some default Bill Sundries for your convenience. These Bill Sundries cover almost all types of Bill Sundries used in a business. However, if you wish to create some other Bill Sundries as per your requirement then click Administration à Masters à Bill Sundry

à Add option. On clicking the Add option, a Bill Sundry Master – Add window appears. Given here is a screenshot of Bill Sundry Master – Add window.

Figure 5.14 Bill Sundry Master – Add

In the Bill Sundry Master – Add window, there are various groups and data fields. The groups and data fields are:

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