13.2 Rewrite Books
Rewrite Books refers to re-entering transactions in the books of account. Rewriting of books performs re-entry in books according to the changes made and rebuilds the data. Rewrite of books is necessary in cases where the values in the database were entered incompletely or some changes are made in the configuration of the company. For example, at the time of entering a voucher, due to power failure or other reason the transaction was not entered completely. Next time, when BUSY will be used then that incomplete transaction may generate some problem. In such a case, you can rewrite the books to repair the data. Taking another example, suppose you have changed the Sales Account data field in Sale Type master then it is necessary to use the Rewrite Books option to update the transactions that already exists for that Sale Type.
To use the Rewrite Books option, click Housekeeping à Rewrite Books option. On clicking the Rewrite Books option, a Please Take Backup Before Rewriting Books message box appears advising you to take backup of the data before rewriting the books. Select the appropriate option and click the Ok button.
On clicking the Ok button, a Rewrite Books message box appears confirming the rewriting action. Click the Ok button in the message box to start the process of rewriting books. Given here is a screenshot of Rewrite Books window.
Figure 13.1 Rewrite Books
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On successful rewriting of books, a Books Rewrite Successful message box appears displaying that the process of rewriting books is completed successfully.