
Unit 6 – Transactions 167

Unit 6 – Transactions 167

Automatic – Select this option if you want to round off the value in voucher automatically. If the amount is less than .50 then it will be rounded off to the lower limit and if the amount is equal to or greater than .50 then it will be rounded off to the upper limit.

Bill Sundry (Upper) – Specify the Bill Sundry to be added in voucher to adjust the round off amount. You can select only those Bill Sundries that are additive in nature.

Bill Sundry (Lower) – Specify the Bill Sundry to be added in voucher to adjust the round off amount. You can select only those Bill Sundries that are subtractive in nature.

Ask before Rounding off Bill Sundry – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to ask before rounding off the bill amount at the time of voucher saving. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a message box will appear on saving the voucher asking you whether you want to add round off Bill Sundry. If you click Yes button in the message box then only the bill amount will be round off.

Print Account Voucher After Saving

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to print accounting aspect of the voucher after saving the voucher. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a Print Account Voucher message box appears on saving the voucher. Click the Yes button in the message box to print the accounting aspect of the transaction. If you print only accounting aspect of a voucher then in the bill only the debit and credit aspect of the transaction will be printed. For example, Star Electronics Company has sold 10 pieces of item LG AC 1.5 ton to Smart Traders Corporation amounting to Rs. 2,60,000. If the Star Electronics Company prints the account bill for this transaction then the following details will be printed:

Debit: Smart Traders Corporation 2,60,000

Credit: Sales Account


No details of item sold will be printed in the bill, if you are printing only accounting voucher.

On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a Configure button appears. On clicking the Configure button, a Printing Details window appears in which you can define the settings for printing accounting part of a voucher. Various data fields in the Printing Details window are:

Prompt for Printing After Saving – On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a message box asking to print accounts voucher will appear at the time of saving the voucher.

Show Print Options – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want Printing Options form to appear at the time of accounts voucher printing. In Printing Option forms, you can specify the printing details plus various criteria for printing the bill.

Specify Default No. of Copies – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to specify the default number of copies to be printed for the accounts voucher.

No. of Copies – This data field is activated if you have specified ‘Y’ in the Specify Default No. of Copies data field. Specify the number of copies that you want to print for the accounts voucher.


Can Change No. of Copies – This data field gets activated if you have specified ‘Y’ in the Specify Default No. of Copies data field. Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to change the number of copies to print for the accounts voucher at the time of printing the accounts voucher.

Print Inventory Voucher After Saving

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to print inventory part of the transaction in the bill. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a Print Inventory Voucher message box appears on saving the voucher. Click the Yes button in the message box to print the inventory aspect of the transaction. If you print only the inventory aspect then the inventory details will be printed in the bill. For example, Star Electronics Company has sold 10 pieces of item LG AC 1.5 ton to Smart Traders Corporation amounting to Rs. 2,60,000. If the Star Electronics Company prints the inventory bill for this transaction then the following details will be printed:

Party: Smart Traders Corporation

S. No. Item Description Qty. Unit Price Discount Amount

1. LG AC 1.5 ton 10 Pcs 26,000 0% 2,60,000

On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a Configure button appears. On clicking the Configure button, a Printing Details window appear in which you can set the printing details for printing inventory part of transaction. This window is similar to the Printing Details window explained for accounting part above.

Print Invoice After Saving

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field, if you want to print full invoice i.e. both the accounting and the inventory aspect of the voucher. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a Configure button appears. On clicking the Configure button, a Printing Details window appears. This window is similar to the Printing Details window that appears for printing accounting aspect of voucher. However, in the Printing Details window that appears for full invoice printing, you can create four different formats and specify the settings for each format. Hence, you can print the full invoice in four different formats.

If you specify ‘Y’ in this data field then a Print Invoice message box appears on saving the voucher.

Click the Yes button in the message box to print the full transaction.

Enable Settlement Details

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to enter settlement details in the voucher. Settlement details refer to the details about the adjustment of bill amount given by / to the customer. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, a Configure button appears. On clicking the Configure button, a Voucher Settlement Configuration window appears. Given here is a screenshot of Voucher Settlement Configuration window.

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