
How to Split Company data in Tally Prime?

How to Split Company data in Tally Prime?

GOT > Alt+Y > Split > SPlit Data


After reaching by follow above step, screen of Split
Data will show like that following screenshot:

Ø  For splitting company
data fill following
details like,

Company Name – Select your company
name to split

Split from – Type date from where you
want to split data into two parts like I type date “01/04/2020” because I have 2 financial years’ data (2019-20 and
2020-21) and I want to split data into two parts first 01/04/2019 -31/03/2020 and second 01/04/2020 -31/03/2021.

Ø  After filling above details press two time Enter to split data

Ø  After splitting company data there are two new companies created and
data divided in it according financial
year. like following screenshot:





Tally Vault Password
in Tally Prime



Tally Vault is an enhanced security system
that allows to encryption of your company
data. Tally Vault password encrypts your company and all the transaction
details and company name. When you
next time open your company, you have to first enter this password to view the company name and
other details. You can access this company only if you know this password. This password cannot be retrieved, if lost.


Process 1: Set TallyVault Password

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