How to set Tally Vault Password in Tally Prime?
GOT > Alt+K
> TallyVault
After reaching by follow above step, screen of
TallyVault will show like that following screenshot:
Ø Fill details to set TallyVault password for your company like,
Company Name – Select your company name on which you set TallyVault password
like I
select “DK Smart”.
Password – Enter your password like I enter Password “1234”
Confirm Password – Re-enter your password
to confirmation. Like I re-enter
After filling above
details in TallyVault screen, screen will shown like this following screenshot:
Ø After filling details
Press “Enter” then a waning
message shown by tally like that
Ø Read this warning
and Press Enter” again then a new warning
message shown again by
tally like
Following screenshot:
Ø Press ‘Y’ on the next
confirmation screen, if you want to create a copy of the original company without the password and Press ‘N’ , if
You do not create a copy of the original company. Like I Press “N”.
After Pressing “N”
Tally set you TallyVault password and ask you for password for login in your company. Like this screenshot:
Ø Enter your password
to login in your company
This password each times Tally ask
you to
open your company
After setting of
TallyVault Password Name of Company will not shown only company code shown in time
of open company.