
Unit 5 – Masters 109

Unit 5 – Masters 109

Figure 5.18 Masters Configuration

In the Masters Configuration window, there is one data field and three groups. The data field and groups are:

Master Type

Select the Master type to be configured. You can configure only Account, Item and Material Centre master.

Optional Fields

Under Optional Fields group, you can configure Optional Fields for the master type selected in above data field. Under this group, a No. of Optional Fields data field appears.

No. of Optional Fields

Enter the number of Optional Fields that you want to configure. You can enter maximum 10 Optional Fields. On entering a number in the range 1-10, the appropriate number of fields becomes active below the data field. In the screenshot, the number of Optional Fields is three. Thus, three data fields are active wherein you can enter the name of the fields in accordance with the serial number.


You can enter additional information for specific master in the Optional Fields that appear at the time of creating / modifying the respective master. For example, if you have configured Optional Fields for Item master then while creating / modifying Item master an Optional Fields window will appear in which you can enter the value for Optional Field. Further elaborating the example, you have created three Optional Fields with name Color, Size and Warranty. Now when you create an Item master and press Enter key in the Group data field then an Optional Fields window will appear with these three data fields. You can then enter the relevant information in these data fields about the item you are creating.

Additional Fields in Dropdown List

Under this group, you can select additional fields or components to be displayed in the dropdown list of Masters. You can specify additional fields only for Account and Item master. Under this group a No. of Additional Fields data fields appear. Specify the number of additional fields to be displayed in the list. You can specify maximum three additional fields for the list. On specifying a number from 1 to 3 in this data field, equivalent number of following data fields get activated in the group:

Name of Field – Select name of the field to be displayed in the Item / Account list.

Width – Specify the number of characters to be used for the selected field.

After selecting the fields and specifying width for them, these fields will start appearing in the Masters list.

è It is necessary to run Regenerate Help File command provided in Housekeeping menu of BUSY after making any changes in configuration of Dropdown list.

Print Name

Under Print Name group, you can specify that whether you want to generate Print Name automatically for the selected Master. In addition, you can specify the configuration for generating Print Name automatically. Under this group, various data fields appear. The data fields are:

Generate Print Name Automatically

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to generate Print Name automatically for the selected Master.

No. of Components Required

Specify the number of components required for generating the Print Name. You can specify a number between 1 and 10.

On specifying a value in the No. of Components Required data field, equivalent number of following data fields get activated in the group:

Component – Select the required component, which is to be used while generating the Print Name.

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