Unit 4 – Basic Configuration 59
Using the Warning Alarms option, you can select different types of alerts for different conditions.
There are three types of alerts that can be configured for Warning Alarms. These are:
No Action – No action will be taken if the condition occurs.
Warning Only – Only a warning message will be displayed if the condition occurs.
Don’t Allow – You cannot complete the action or move forward if the condition occurs. To move forward you need to make appropriate changes as per the condition.
To configure the alerts, select the appropriate alert against the condition.
ü All the Features / Options in BUSY are classified under various tabs or sections such as Accounting, Inventory and so on.
ü BUSY has the provision to enter Payment / Receipt voucher in either Double Entry mode or Single Entry mode. Only one mode can be used at a time.
ü In BUSY, you can charge depreciation according to both Income Tax Act and Company’s Act.
ü Current account balance and current stock of item can be seen at the time of making voucher entry itself.
ü BUSY provides eight different types of stock valuation methods for valuing the closing stock of items.
ü You can create multiple Material Centres from where the goods are dispatched or where goods are received.
ü In BUSY, there is a provision to enter separate voucher date and stock updation date.
ü Various pricing modes are provided to set default sales / purchase price for the vouchers.
ü In Sales Return vouchers, you can specify the details of Sale voucher against which the actual sale has taken place.
ü You can print documents / reports in both Windows and DOS printing style.
ü You can also shrink documents to be printed to a certain percentage.
ü In Warning Alarms, you can choose either to take no action or to give warning only or don’t allow further data entry for certain conditions or situations.
1 . Default currency string is:
a) Rs.
c) INR
b) Rupees
d) None of the above
2 . Default Date format is: a) dd/mm/yyyy b) mm/dd/yy
c) mm/dd/yyyy
d) None of the above
3 . Stock Valuation method not provided by BUSY:
a) Last in First out c) First in First out
b) First in Last out d) Average method
4 . BUSY provides Warning Alarms for:
a) Negative cash
b) Negative stock
c) Minimum Sales Price
d) All of the above
5 . Printing can be shrink to:
a) 60-100%
b) 70-100%
c) 80-90%
d) 90-100%
6 . Reports of BUSY can be printed on:
a) Ink Jet printer
b) Dot Matrix Printer
c) Laser Printer
d) All of the above
7 . What is the use of Hardware Configuration?
8 . Can you enable / disable, ‘Double Entry System for Payment / Receipt’ voucher feature after entering any payment / receipt transaction?
9 . What is Multi Godown Inventory?
1 0 . Open Company ‘Star Electronics’ and enable the following features:
a) Bill-by-bill Details under Accounts tab
b) Last Item Price in Item Pricing Modes
c) Separate Stock Updation Date in Dual vouchers under Inventory tab
Disable the following features:
a) Multi Godown Inventory under Inventory tab
b) Double Entry system for Payment & Receipt Vouchers under Accounts tab
Change the following information:
a) Qty. decimal places from 2 to 0
b) Change warning alarm ‘Minimum Sale Price’ from ‘No Action’ to ‘Don’t Allow’.
Module 3
Basic Accounting & Inventory
Unit 5 – Masters
Unit 6 – Transactions
Unit 7 – Printing Documents
What we Learn with Pleasure
we never Forget.
Alfred Mercier