
11.2 Taking Backup

11.2 Taking Backup

Taking regular backup of data is a good practice and one has to follow it without fail. There can be circumstances in which the data may get corrupted. In such a case, if there is a backup of the data then you can restore the data from the backup and continue with your work without any hindrance. In the previous topic, we have learnt about the configuration settings for taking backup, and in this section, we will learn about the steps for taking backup of the company data.

To take backup of company data, open Company menu and click Backup Data option. On clicking the Backup Data option, a Select Company for Backup window appears. The window displays the list of the companies created in BUSY. Select the company for which you want to take backup and click the Select button.

On clicking the Select button, an Authority Check window appears. In the window, you have to specify the User Name and Password. On specifying a valid User Name and Password, a Company Backup window appears. Given here is a screenshot of Company Backup window.


Figure 11.2 Company Backup

In the Company Backup window, there are two groups and various data fields. The groups and data fields are:

Normal Backup

Select this option if you want to take backup on hard disk or any other removable disk. On selecting this option, a Normal Backup group gets active with the following data field:

Path for Backup

In this data field, enter the path where you want to take backup of the data. The path can be either on the hard disk or on a removable disk such as a floppy disk or a CD. If you have specified a path for taking backup on individual days of a week by using the Administration à Configuration à Backup Configuration option then by default that path appears in this data field. For example, if you are taking Backup on Monday and in the Backup Configuration option, you have specified path for taking backup on Monday as D:Monday Backup then D:Monday Backup will appear in this data field.

FTP Backup

Select this option if you want to take Backup on FTP Server. Taking Backup on FTP Server means that your data is stored on the internet server. Since data is stored on a remote server thus taking backup on FTP Server provides more security of the data. On selecting the FTP Backup option, a FTP Backup group gets activated. In the group, there are various data fields. The data fields are:

Server Name

Specify the Server Name where backup is to be taken.

Unit 11 – Managing Backup 261

User Name

Specify the User Name for the Server where backup is to be taken.


Specify Password for the User Name specified in the above data field.

Backup Folder

Specify the backup folder name in which the backup of the data is to be taken. This folder is created on the internet server. Creating separate folders is beneficial if you want to take backup of different companies in different folders or if you want to take backup for individual days in separate folders. If you have specified folders for taking backup on individual days of week in the Administration à Configuration à Backup Configuration option then by default that folder appears in this data field. For example, if you are taking Backup on Monday and in the Backup Configuration option, you have specified folder for taking backup on Monday as Monday-Backup then Monday-Backup will appear in this data field.

è All the information provided for FTP Server is case sensitive.

Select Fin. Year

In this data field, you can specify whether you want to take backup for all the Financial Years or a particular Financial Year. The data field displays list of all the financial years of the company. You can either select a single financial year for which you want to take backup or choose All F.Y. option to take backup of all the financial years of the company.

After entering appropriate data in the data fields, click the Ok button to start the process of taking backup. On clicking the Ok button, a Start Backup message box appears informing you that the backup process is about to start.

Click the Ok button in the Start Backup message box. On clicking the Ok button, backup of the data will be taken at the specified path. After successful completion of backup, a Backup Successful message box will appear displaying that backup is taken successfully. Click the Yes button in the Backup Successful message box to create more backup copies otherwise click the No button if you do not want to make any other backup copy.

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