
Unit 6 – Transactions 119

Unit 6 – Transactions 119

Manual – Select this option if you want to enter voucher number manually at the time of voucher entry.

Not Required – Select this option if you do not want to maintain voucher numbering for the selected series of voucher type. If you select this option then no data field for entering voucher number will appear in the voucher. For example, if you select this option for Main series of Sales voucher then while entering Sales voucher for Main series, you will not be able to enter the voucher date.

Manual Numbering Validation

This group gets activated only if you have selected Manual option in the Numbering Type data field. In this group, you can set validations for entering voucher numbers, since you are entering voucher numbers manually there is more scope of entering wrong voucher number or duplicate voucher number. Under this group, two data fields appear. The data fields are:

Duplicate Voucher Number

Select the action to be taken on entering a duplicate voucher number. You can choose to display a warning message only or can totally disallow entering of duplicate voucher number. You can also choose to not to take an action on entering a duplicate voucher number.

Blank Voucher Number

Select the action to be taken on entering a blank voucher number i.e. not entering a voucher number at all. You can choose to display a warning message only or can totally disallow blank voucher number. You can also choose to not to take an action on leaving voucher number blank.

Auto Numbering Info

Under this group, you can specify the configuration for generating automatic voucher numbers. This group gets active only if you have selected Automatic option in the Numbering Type data field. Various data fields and sub group that appear under this group for configuring voucher number are:


Specify prefix for the voucher number in this data field. Prefix refers to the string that will be added in front of voucher number or you can say the string with which voucher number will begin.


Specify suffix for the voucher number in this data field. Suffix refers to the string that will be added at the end of the voucher number or you can say the string with which voucher number will end.

Starting No.

Specify the number for the first voucher number. For example, you want to start first voucher number with ‘1’ then you can specify ‘1’ in this data field.


Specify Ending No.

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to have limited number of vouchers for the selected series of voucher type.

Ending Details

This group gets active only if you have specified ‘Y’ in the Specify Ending No. data field. Various data fields that appear under this group are:

Ending No.

Specify the maximum number of vouchers that can be entered for the voucher type. For example, you want to enter only 1000 vouchers for the Main series of Sales voucher type then you can specify 1000 in this data field. BUSY will not allow you to enter more than 1000 voucher for the Main series of Sales voucher type.

Warning before number of vouchers left

Specify the number of vouchers left before which a warning message is to be generated at the time of voucher entry. For example, you have entered 1000 in above data field and 10 in this data field then after entering 990th voucher, a warning will start appearing on saving the voucher that you can enter only 10 more vouchers.

Warning Message

Specify warning message to be displayed when the specified number of vouchers are left for the voucher type. The message you specify here will be appended with default warning message provided by BUSY.

Renumbering Frequency

Specify the time duration after which the voucher numbers are to be regenerated or to be started again. For example, if you select Monthly option from the list then after every month, voucher numbering will start from the beginning (i.e. from the voucher number specified in the Starting No. data field). If you select Yearly option then after every year voucher numbering will start from the beginning.

Maintain Book No.

Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to maintain book number for the voucher.

Book Size

This data field appears on specifying ‘Y’ in the Maintain Book No. data field. Specify the size of the book in this data field. For example, each book in which voucher details are maintained, has 50 pages or can have entry of 50 vouchers only then you can specify the book size as 50.

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