Unit 7 – Print Utilities 181
calculation) then specify ‘Y’ in this data field. On specifying ‘Y’ in this data field, in front of each Item, its price, tax amount and total amount including tax will be displayed.
Print VAT Separately with Items (Tax Invoice) – Specify ‘Y’ if you want to print VAT amount separately with items in the Tax Invoice bills. This is useful in case of Multi Tax or Tax Inclusive Sale Types.
Print Narration – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to print narration in the document.
Print Totals of Qty. Also – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to display the totals of the quantity of multiple items. For example, if you have made a single invoice for five items and you specify ‘Y’ in this data field then the sum of the quantity sold for all the items will be displayed as total quantity.
Print Daily Message – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to print daily message as specified for the voucher in the Input Daily Message option that appears under Administration à Utilitiesà Miscellaneous Data Entry menu.
Use Full Page for Document – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field, if you want to use the full page for the document. For example, you are printing two invoices simultaneously and when the first invoice is printed on a paper, almost half of the paper is left blank. Now if you have specified ‘Y’ in this data field then the printing of second invoice will start from the same page otherwise it will start from the second page.
Eject Page After Printing – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to eject the page after printing.
Print Zero Amount Bill Sundries – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to print those Bill Sundries also that have a zero amount in voucher.
Optional Fields / Transport Details Printing – Click this button to configure printing of Optional Fields and Transport details. On clicking this button, an Optional Fields / Transport Details window appears. In the Optional Fields / Transport Details window, select As Specified in Voucher Series Configuration, if you want to pick printing configuration of Optional Fields & Transport Details from the Vouchers Configuration. On selecting this option, printing of Optional Fields & Transport details will be dependent on the configuration settings in Vouchers Configuration. If you want to configure Optional Fields & Transport details printing then select the As Mentioned Below option. On selecting this option, all the further data fields gets activated and you can specify which of the Optional Fields and Transport fields should be printed in the documents. To specify the same, you need to select the checkbox against the Optional / Transport Detail field under Print in Documents column.
Under this group, you can specify whether you want logo to be printed in the document and can further specify different characteristics of the logo. Various data fields under this group are:
Print Logo – Specify ‘Y’ in this data field if you want to print a logo in the document.
Image Path – Specify the path of the logo to be printed in the document.
Position – Select the position at which the logo is to be printed in the document.
Print Type – Select the print type from the list. In the list, there are two options. The options are:
o Superimpose – Select this option if you want to superimpose the logo. If you select this option then logo will be printed at the specified position and can overlap any text or image placed at that position.
o Create Space – Select this option to create space for the logo. If you select this option then first some space will be created for the logo at the specified position and then the logo will be printed. In this case logo will not overlap any existing text or image.
Height – Specify the height of the image. Specify 0 in this data field if you want to print default height of the logo.
Width – Specify the width of the image. Specify 0 in this data field if you want to print default width of the logo.
Specify declaration if any to be printed on the document.
Under this group, you can specify details or text to be printed in the footer or at the bottom of the invoice. Under this group, various data fields appear. The data fields are:
Terms & Conditions
Specify the terms and conditions to be printed at the bottom of the invoice. By default, terms and conditions commonly stated are displayed in the data field. You can change them as per your requirement.
Signatory Information
There are two data fields under Signatory Information group. You can specify any information that you would like to display as signatory information in these data fields. By default, in the first data field, the name of the company is displayed while in the second data field ‘Authorized Signatory’ is displayed.
After entering appropriate data in the data fields, click the Save button to save the document configuration.