Unit 3 – Setting up a Company in BUSY 39
Captions & Notes
Double click various captions or notes to select color for them. Caption here implies the headings for various textboxes and notes implies various notes that appear at the bottom of the form. On double clicking a caption or a note, a Color window appears in which you can select required color.
Select Color for Reports
Under this group you can select colors in which the report will be displayed. On double clicking the report area, a Select Option message box appears. In the message box, there are four options. The options are:
Fore-Color (Report Area) – Select this option if you want to select fore color i.e. the color in which the text in the report will appear. On selecting this option, a Color window will appear in which you can select the required color.
Back-Color (Report Area) – Select this option if you want to select back color i.e. the color in which the portion behind the text will appear.
Special Effect – Select this option if you want to select colors for the sub headings or data that shows details of the main master.
Report Heading & Labels – Double click various headings or labels to select color for them. Label here implies the values that are shown at the bottom of the reports such as labels displaying totals of various columns and so on.
Progress Bar
Double click the progress bar to select back colors and fore color of Progress bar. On double clicking this option, a Select Options message box appears. In the message box, there are two options. The options are:
Fore-Color – Select this option if you want to select fore color for the progress bar.
Back-Color – Select this option if you want to select back color for the progress bar.
On selecting any of the above option, a Color window appears in which you can select the required color.
Implement Color Scheme
Click this button to implement the configured color scheme in BUSY.
Restore Default Colors
Click this button to apply the default coloring scheme provided by BUSY.
Save Scheme to File
Click this button to save the configured color scheme to a file. On clicking this button, a Save As window appears in which you can specify the name and path of file.
Read Scheme from File
Click this button to read color scheme configuration from a file. On clicking this button, an Open window appears.
Specify the file name in the window from where the configuration data is to be read.
Click the Ok button to read data from the specified file.
ü You cannot create two companies with same Name but can create two companies with same Print Name.
ü Financial Year Beginning From and Books Commencing From Date can either be same or different.
ü You cannot modify the financial year beginning date in BUSY.
ü There can be only one SuperUser in a company. SuperUser is like owner of the company with all the rights and privileges in the company.
ü You cannot exit from BUSY unless the active company is closed.
ü Data once deleted can never be recovered.
ü Only SuperUser has the authority to delete a company.
ü Data can be deleted only for first or last financial year. You cannot delete a middle financial year of the company.
ü You can set the path where BUSY data is to be stored by using the Set Data Directory option.
ü Coloring Scheme in BUSY is fully configurable.
1 . You cannot create two companies with:
a) Same Financial year c) Same Name
b) Same Print Name d) Same Address
2 . Number of SuperUser in a Company can be:
a) Only One c) Only Two
b) Infinite d) None
3 . Financial Year Beginning Date can be:
a) 1st of any month c) Any date – any month
b) 1st of F. Y. beginning month d) 30th of any month