Key Components in BUSY
In software, the major part comprises of entering data and viewing the data in an organized and desired format. The two major portions of accounting software are Data Entry and Reports and same is the case with BUSY software. In BUSY you can enter your day-to-day activities and later view them piled up in a required format. The data entered forms the basis for the reports or in other words, reports are based only on data entered by User. If User has made right data entry then there are no chances of getting a wrong report.
From the above paragraph, we can conclude that the two pillars of software are data entry and reporting. In BUSY, the data entry part is with the Masters and Transactions menu and reporting part is with Display & Printing menu.
Masters stores information, which requires to be entered once. Masters stores the static information that rarely gets changed. For example, the name of the company is a static information as in very rare case it will happen that company will change its name. To enter Masters information, BUSY provides the Masters menu. When you start BUSY application, only the Company menu is active. Once you open a Company using the Company menu then only the Masters menu get active.
Information stored in Masters is further used in the Transactions. Entering data in the Masters is a one-time work but entering data in transactions is a day-to-day activity. Transactions store information about dealings of the business such as sale, purchase, payment, receipt and so on. You can enter data in Transactions menu only if you have opened a company in BUSY. Transactions menu provides a classified menu of voucher types providing voucher type according to various transactions. For example, if you have made a sale then you can enter a Sales voucher, similarly if you have made a purchase then you can enter a Purchase voucher.
After entering transactions, the next thing User requires is to view the data in a required format. For example, after entering transactions, User may want to know the total sale made in the day or total outflow or inflow of cash. To view / print reports, BUSY provides the Display & Printing menu. With Display menu, you can view the reports on screen, and with the Printing menu, you can print the reports.
Apart from Data Entry and Reporting, which are without a doubt one of the major part of software; there are various small components also that complete the software package. These small components can be the Utilities provided by software or different features and options that User can enable / disable as per his requirement. BUSY also provides various utilities and numerous features to cater needs of as many Users as possible. The utilities and features are all part of the Utilities and Configuration menu respectively. With the help of Utilities menu you can manage your data more efficiently and with the help of the Configuration menu you can customize BUSY as per your requirement.