Deleting a Company
Deleting a company is an irreversible process in BUSY. If in rare case, a need arises to delete a company then you should do so with utmost care because once a company is deleted then its data cannot be recovered in any case. To delete a company in BUSY, you need to perform the following steps:
- Open Company menu and click the Delete Company option. On clicking the Delete Company option, a Select Company for Deletion window appears. Select the company that you want to delete and click the Select button.
- On clicking the Select button, an Authority Check window appears. Enter SuperUser name and password of the company. This is done to check the authenticity of the person who is deleting the company as only the SuperUser has the authority to delete a company.
- Once you have entered the correct SuperUser name and password then a Delete Company window appears. In the window, there are following two options:
- Complete Company – Select this option if you want to delete data of all the financial years of the company.
- Single F. Y. – Select this option if you want to delete data for a single financial year of the company. If more than one financial year exists for the company then a Select F.Y. message box appears in which you can select the financial year for which you want to delete the data. You can delete data either for first or for last financial year. You cannot delete data for a middle financial year. This is done to maintain integrity of data. If only one financial year exists for the company then a Can’t Delete message box appears informing you that since you have only one financial year, you have to select the Complete Company option.