
Hardware Configuration in Busy Accounting Software

Hardware Configuration

Hardware Configuration refers to printer settings required for printing the reports. With Hardware Configuration option, you can set default printer settings in advance so that each time you print a report, you do not need to set printer settings. Hardware Configuration option is provided under Administration à Configuration menu. On clicking the Hardware Configuration option, a Hardware Configuration window appears. Given here is a screenshot of Hardware Configuration window.

In the Hardware Configuration window, various data fields appear. The data fields are:

Default Printer Driver

Select printer driver that you want to use for print commands. The printer driver specified as default printer in the Control Panel > Printer settings of your computer is displayed in this data field. In the screenshot, Samsung ML-1610 Series is the default printer driver.

Page Length (Inches)

Specify length of the paper in inches on which you want to print the documents.

Unit 4 – Basic Configuration 57

Lines Per Page (Normal)

Specify number of lines that will be printed on a single page. The default value is 60.

Lines Per Page (Landscape)

Specify the number of lines that will be printed on a single page, if you select the orientation as Landscape. The default value is 60.

Printing Style

You can select the Printing Style from either of the following two options, Windows and DOS.


If you select the Printing Style as Windows then printing will be done in Graphics mode. In case of Windows Printing Style, the default printer driver will generally be the same as the printer you are using. For example, if you are using Samsung ML-1610 Series printer, the default driver will be Samsung ML-1610 Series. On selecting this option, following four data fields become active:

Paper Top Margin – Specify the margin, in inches, for the top of the page. By default, the top margin is 0.25.

Paper Left Margin – Specify the margin, in inches, for the left side of the page. By default, the left margin is 0.25.

Shrink Printing to % (Normal) – Specify the percentage to which the document is to be reduced for printing in Normal mode. This feature allows you to scale the document for printing and thus helping you to avoid adjusting margins.

Shrink Printing to % (Landscape) – Specify the percentage to which the document is to be reduced for printing in Landscape mode. This feature allows you to scale the document for printing and thus helping you to avoid adjusting margins.


If you select this option then printing will be done in Draft mode. On selecting this option, a data field and a button gets active. The data field and button are:

DOS Emulation – Select the DOS printer driver to be used from the list of options displayed in the data field. If the printer driver you are using is not listed, choose the one that is nearest to it in print characteristics. For example, if you are using a dot matrix printer of Wipro, you can choose the printer driver as Epson. By default, Epson is selected as the DOS Printer Driver.

Configure Printer Command – Click this button to configure various commands for DOS Printer. On clicking this button, a Printer Configuration window appears. In the Printer Configuration window, you can configure various Printer commands. Apart from the Printer commands given, you can also configure any other three commands in the Command 1, 2 & 3 data fields. If you want to load the default settings, then click the Load Default button.

After entering the appropriate information, click the Save button to save the hardware configuration details.

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