
6.2.3 Purchase

6.2.3 Purchase

Purchase voucher is used to record the purchase transactions of the company i.e. when the goods are purchased by the company then it can record this transaction in Purchase voucher. To enter a Purchase voucher, click Transactions à Purchase à Add option. On clicking the Add option, a Purchase – Add window appears. In the window, you can enter details about the goods purchased. Given here is a screenshot of Purchase – Add window.


Figure 6.8 Purchase – Add

In the Purchase – Add window, various data fields appear. The data fields are:


Select the voucher series in this data field.


Enter date for which you are entering the voucher. On pressing the Enter key in this data field, a Stock Updation Date window appears. This window appears if you have enabled the Separate Stock Updation Date option in Administration à Configuration à Features / Options à Inventory tab. Enter date on which stock is received from the party.

Vch No.

Enter the voucher number in this data field. If you have set voucher numbering as Automatic in Vouchers Configuration then voucher number will be generated automatically and you cannot change value in it. If you have set voucher numbering as Not Required in Vouchers Configuration then this

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